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The Use of Reciprocal Teaching Technique to Improve Stusents' Reading Comprehension at the Eight Grades of SMP Negeri 01 Metro Kibang East Lampung

Hasanah, Mauizotul (2018) The Use of Reciprocal Teaching Technique to Improve Stusents' Reading Comprehension at the Eight Grades of SMP Negeri 01 Metro Kibang East Lampung. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.


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The primary goal of this research is to find out that reciprocal teaching can improve reading comprehension among the eighth grade students of the SMP Negeri01 Metro Kibang East Lampung. In this research, the researcher implemented classroom action research (CAR) to improve student's reading comprehension by using reciprocal teaching technique. The subject of this research was the students of eighth (VIll) G grade class which consisted of 26 students. This research was essentially carried into four steps namely planninbg, action, observation and reflection which was conducted into two cycles consisted of five meetings. The instruments for collecting data in this research such as: test, observation and documentation.
The finding of this research revealed that reciprocal teaching technique could improve student's reading comprehension. It was proved by the average score of students reading comprehension from cycle I to cycle 2 which significantly passed the minimum mastery criteria and indicator of success. It was preceded by the average score of pre-test was 27,69and post-test I of cycle I was 62,30by the percentage of successfulness was 46,15% or 12students passed minimum mastery criteria. Meanwhile, the average score of cycle Il was 77,30by the percentage of successfulness was 73,07% or 19students passed minimum mastery criteria. In addition, it was also proved by the average percentage of students‘ observation of their learning activity outcome. It improved from cycle 1 to cycle 2 about 43,65 % at cycle 1 to 79,23 % in all of the observation‘s indicator at cycle 2 by the improvement score was 35,8 %.
Referring to the finding of this research, the implementation of reciprocal teaching technique could improve students reading comprehension at the eighth (VIII)G grade student of the SMP Negeri 01 Metro Kibang East Lampung.(Keywords: reading comprehension ability, reciprocal teaching, classroom action research).

Item Type: Thesis (Undergraduate)
Subjects: Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris
Divisions: Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Ilmu Kependidikan > Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris
Depositing User: Tari Eka Miyanti
Date Deposited: 20 Feb 2020 06:53
Last Modified: 20 Feb 2020 06:53

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