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Items where Division is "Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris" and Year is 2021
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Adawaiyah, Wiwi Robiatul (2021) An Error Analysis in Using Simple Past Tense on the Students Writing Recount Text Among the First Grader of SMA TMI Roudlotul Qur’an in the Academic Year of 2020/2021. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Adityas, Pungki Galuh (2021) An Analysis of Hypotaxis Clause in Undergraduate Thesis on the English Education Departmen Students of IAIN Metro. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Aeni, Sefriza (2021) The Effectivenes of Partial Dictation on Writing Skill of the Students' of MA Ma'arif NU 5 Sekampung. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Agustiara, Annabila (2021) The Influence of Using Digital Story Towards Students’ Pronunciation Skill at The Tenth Grade of TPTU Program of SMK N 2 Metro. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Agustina, Vina (2021) An Analysis of Free Morpheme and Bound Morpheme in The Islamic of Short Story ‘Love Along The Way’. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Al `Amini, Khoiriah (2021) A Discourse Analysis of Film “Harry Potter and The Sorcerer’s Stone” Script. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Anggaira, Aria Septi (2021) Konsep “AUTONOMOUS LEARNING” Dalam Merdeka Belajar Di Masa Pandemi Covid-19. In: Integrasi Keilmuan Dalam Menyongsong Merdeka Belajar. Akademia Pustaka, Tulung Agung, pp. 3-10. ISBN 978-623-6704-84-4
Anggaira, Aria Septi (2021) Module Of Cross Cultural Understanding (CCU). English Department Tarbiyah and Teacher Training Faculty IAIN Metro, Metro.
Anggaira, Aria Septi (2021) Module of Second Language Aqcuisition. English Department IAIN Metro, Metro.
Anggaira, Aria Septi (2021) Surat Pencatatan Ciptaan berupa e-book dengan dengan judul ciptaan English Erudition: English For Madrasah Aliyah Grade X. Documentation. Kementerian Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia, Metro.
Anggaira, Aria Septi and Aryanti, Nurul (2021) Students’ Perception towards Online-Digital Media in English Learning during Covid-19 Pandemic. ICLIQE.
Anggaira, Aria Septi and Sari, Yeasy Agustina (2021) English Erudition For Madrasah Aliyah X Grade. Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Ilmu Keguruan IAIN Metro, Metro. ISBN 9-786239-498481
Anggiri, Febrian Agam (2021) Improving Students Reading Comprehension by Using About-Point Strategy of the Tenth Graders of SMA N 1 Kibang East Lampung In the Academic Year of 2020/2021. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Anggraini, Ferdina (2021) An Analysis of Flouting Maxim on The Students' Speaking Skill of The Eleventh Grade at SMA N 2 Metro in The Academic Year of 2020/2021. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Annisa, Khaula (2021) An analysis on mechanical aspects of writing skill of the eleventh graders of the SMA Negeri 1 Sekampung in The Academic Year of 2020/2021. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Apriani, Okta (2021) An Analysis of Register in The Podcast at BBC World Service. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Ardiana, Mila (2021) An Analysis of Reiteration on Students’ Writing of the Eleventh Graders at MAN 2 Tulang Bawang Barat. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Ariska, Anis (2021) An Analysis of Transitivity on The Students’ Undergraduate Thesis of English Department at IAIN Metro. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Ash-Sholihi, Ahmadulloh Al-Adibi (2021) An Analysis of Eclectic Approach on English Textbook for The Eleventh Grade of The Senior Highschool of Indonesia. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Astuti, Fina Puji (2021) An Analysis of idiomatic expressions in the English Translation Novel ‘This Earth of Mankind’ By Pramoedya Ananta Toer. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Atma, Singgih Rudi (2021) The Use of Rally Coach to Enhance the Report Writing Skills of the Eleventh Graders of SMA N 1 Trimurjo Central Lampung. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Ayuningsih, Ely (2021) The Students' Perceptions about the use of English pop songs to improve vocabulary mastery for speaking ability in SMA Negeri 02 Buay Bahuga. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Azizah, Kholifatul (2021) A Semantic Analysis of English Advertisement Slogan. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Bahari, Agusta Setya Artha (2021) Increasing Writing Ability Trough Precis Writing Strategy of Tenth Grade at SMK Muhammadiyah Seputih Raman. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Cahya, Bagus Bhakti (2021) Improving Reading Comprehension Skills In Narrative Texts By Using Speed Reading Technique Among The Tenth Graders Of SMK N 3 Metro. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Choiri, Miftahul (2021) The Correlation Between Idiomatic Expressions Mastery and the Students’ Speaking Skill at English Department of IAIN Metro. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Damayanti, Eva (2021) The Correlation Between Students’ Anxiety and Continuity Writing Undergrauate Thesis of English Department at IAIN Metro. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Devi, Rosita (2021) Error Analysis on Students Writing Ability in The Hospitality Department of SMK ACI Metro. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
E., Yuliana Efrianti (2021) The Use of Small Group Discussion Strategy to Increase Students` Speaking Skill of The Tenth Graders of SMA Teladan Way Jepara. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Fadilah, Eva Nurul (2021) An Analysis of the Students’ Ability in Translating Idiomatic Expression at the Third Semester of State Institute for Islamic Studies of Metro in Academic Year 2020/2021. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Firmansyah, Bagus (2021) The Using of Carousel Feedback Technique to Improve the Writing Skills of the Tenth Grade Students in Madrasah Aliyah Ma’arif 09 Kotagajah. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Fitrianti, Arisa (2021) An Analysis of Deixis in the Age of Adeline Movie. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Gunarsih, . (2021) An Analysis of Code-Switching in Speaking Subject of the Third Semester Student of IAIN Metro. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Habibah, Nining Khofifah (2021) The Effect of Boggle Board Game on the Students’ Vocabulary Mastery of the Eighth Grade of SMPN 10 Metro. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Halim, Muhamad Nur (2021) An Analysis of English Lexical Collocation in English Textbook Entitled When English Rings A Bell of MTs N 1 East Lampung. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Hardijanti, Lydia (2021) An Analysis of Cultural Content In English Textbook Among Eighth Graders at MTs N 1 East Lampung. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Hartini, Debi Kholia (2021) The Influence of Students’ Mastery on Phrasal Verbs on Their Translation Skill of the Fourth Semester Students of English Education Department at IAIN Metro. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Herlina, Eka (2021) Increasing Students’ Writing Ability of Present Continuous Tense by Using Picture Books Among the Seventh Graders of SMP Al Ismailiyun Natar South Lampung. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Hidayah, Ismi Nurul (2021) An Analysis of Moral Value in The Freedom Writers Movie. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Iklyma, Rima (2021) An Analysis of the Students Difficulties in Translating Idioms From English to Indonesia. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Irwansyah, Dedi (2021) Bukti Korespondensi dan Hasil Uji Turnitin untuk Naskah Dedi Irwansyah di Global Journal Al-Thaqafah (GJAT). Documentation. IAIN Metro, Metro.
Irwansyah, Dedi (2021) Bukti Korespondensi dan Hasil Uji Turnitin untuk Naskah Dedi Irwansyah di Journal of Language Teaching and Research. Documentation. IAIN Metro, Metro.
Irwansyah, Dedi (2021) Orasi Ilmiah dengan judul "Potensi Story telling bagi Kemanusiaan dan Pendidikan di Perguruan Tinggi Ke-Islaman" Disampaikan pada Dies Natali ke-54 Wisuda Pascasarjana Strata Dua (S2) dan Sarjana Strata Satu (S1) Periode I Tahun Akademik 2021/2022 Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Metro. IAIN Metro. pp. 1-25.
Irwansyah, Dedi (2021) Surat Keputusan Rektor Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) terkait Penetapan Penelitian Tahun 2021 IAIN Metro. Documentation. IAIN Metro, Metro.
Irwansyah, Dedi (2021) Teaching English through Literature in Post-Pandemic Era: A Case at An Indonesian Islamic Higher Institution. Proceedings of the 10th UNNES Virtual International Conference on English Language Teaching, Literature, and Translation, ELTLT 2021, 14-15 August 2021, Semarang, Indonesia. pp. 188-197.
Irwansyah, Dedi (2021) buku ajar berjudul Literature-Based Reading for Islamic University. Idea Press, Yogyakarta. ISBN 9786236074671
Irwansyah, Dedi and Andianto, . and Prayoga, Andri and Khairunita, Divia and Pradini, Haanii and Septiana, Rosmalita and Sukma, Fivty Travika (2021) Buku Referensi English for Islamic Boarding Schools. Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Ilmu Keguruan IAIN Metro, Metro. ISBN 9-786239-498474
Irwansyah, Dedi and Andianto, Andianto (2021) Laporan Penelitian Dedi Irwansyah 2021 Judul: Pengembangan Konten Moderasi Beragama melalui English Supplementary Materials untuk Madrasah Aliyah. Documentation. IAIN Metro, Metro.
Irwansyah, Dedi and Andianto, Andianto and Khairunita, Divia and Pradini, Haanii and Septiana, Rosmalita and Sukma, Fivty Travika (2021) Laporan Penelitian Tahun 2021 Berjudul: Pengembangan Konten Moderasi Beragama Melalaui English Supplementary Materials untuk Madrasah Aliyah. Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian pada Masyarakat, Metro.
Irwansyah, Dedi and Andianto, Andianto and Septiana, Rosmalita and Sukma, Fivty Travika and Nita, Divia Khairu and Pradini, Haanii (2021) Sertifikat HKI Laporan Penelitian berjudul "Pengembangan Konten Moderasi Beragama melalui English Supplementary Materials untuk Madrasah Aliyah".dengan nomor ciptaan 292287. Documentation. Kementerian hukum dan HAM, Metro.
Irwansyah, Dedi and Andiyanto, . and Kahirunita, Divia and Pradini, Haani and Septiana, Rosmalita and Sukma, Fifty Travika (2021) Pengembangan Konten Moderasi Beragama melalui Supplementary Materials untuk Madrasah Aliyah. IAIN Metro.
Irwansyah, Dedi and Yawisah, Umi (2021) Bahasa Inggris untuk Madrasah Tsanawiyah : Berbasis CTL. I ed. Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Ilmu Keguruan. ISBN 978-623-94984-1-2
Ismayanti, Eli (2021) The Use of Herringbone Technique to Increase the Narrative Paragraph Writing Ability Among the Eight Graders of the MTs Daarul ‘Ulya of Metro. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Isnaini, . (2021) Improving The Students’ Reading Skill by Using Instagram Among the Eighth Grade of SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Sendang Agung Central Lampung. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Istiqomah, Nurul (2021) The Impact of Using Audio Visual Media in Teaching English on the Students’ Listening Comprehension Ability of the English Department Students at IAIN Metro. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Jasrial, Dedi and Yunita, Wisma and Sukma, Betaria and Anggaira, Aria Septi (2021) Appreciating Students’ Responses: Verbal and Non-Verbal Compliments Used by English Teachers in Classroom. Pedagogy: Journal of English Language Teaching, 9 (2). pp. 165-176. ISSN 2580-1473
Khasanah, Lailatul (2021) Improving Students’ Listening Comprehension by Using English Video Learning Media For Efl At The Tenth Grade of MA Al-Khoirot Guppi Buyut Udik Central Lampung In The Academic Years 2021/2022. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Khotimah, Khusnul (2021) An Analysis of The Students’ Pronunciation Errors At The Seventh Grade of Roudlatul Qur’an Islamic Boarding School In Metro. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Khusniawati, Laili (2021) An Analysis of Self-Concept Affect Toward to English Speaking Anxiety Among the Fifth Semester Students of English Education Department at IAIN Metro. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Kurniawan, Panji (2021) An Analysis Of Derivational English Morphemes In Jakarta Post Newspaper. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Larasati, Ajeng (2021) Increasing Vocabulary Mastery by Using Community Based Learning Technique at Eight Junior High School Muhammadiyah 4 Metro in Academic Year of 2020 / 2021. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Latifah, Ony Zakiya (2021) The Influence of Using Team Assisted Individualization Method on the Students’ Reading Ability of SMP N 2 Batanghari East Lampung in the Academic Year of 2020/2021. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Lestari, Sindi Anggun (2021) An Analysis of GAP-PAUSE-OVERLAP in English Conversation Among The English Department Students of IAIN Metro. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Liana, Refa Anggita Mei (2021) An analysis of grammatical concordance on students’ descriptive writing document of the tenth graders of SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Metro in The Academic Year of 2020/2021. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Lusiana, Yasinta Eka (2021) An analysis on students writing difficulties by using contextual teaching and learning method. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Madkur, Ahmad (2021) Book Chapter(Reflections on Pedagogical Practices during Covid-19 Pandemic. In: Long-distance supervision amidst pandemic: A self-reflection of a PhD student’s experience. I ed. CV. Pena Persada, Banyumas, pp. 1-9.
Maisah, Isna Kaeviatul (2021) A Study of Inquiry-Based Learning Method on Teaching Reading Ability of the Eighth Graders of SMP TMI Roudlatul Qur’an Metro. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Maria, Hermi (2021) The Correlation Between the Student’s Linguistic Intelligence and Their English Speaking Skill Achievement at Third Grade Students of IAIN Metro. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Meilinda, Erwin (2021) An Error Analysis of Temporal Clause in The Students’ Writing Skill Among the Tenth Graders at SMA N 1 Seputih Surabaya. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Meriani, Oki (2021) The Effect of Task-Based Language Teaching on Students’ Speaking Achievement Among the First at SMAN 1 Seputih Surabaya Central Lampung. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Merlinda, Riza (2021) Improving Reading Comprehension Ability By Using Semantic Feature Analysis (SFA) Strategy Among The Tenth Graders of SMKN 1 Sukadana East Lampung. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Meylisa, Indah (2021) An Analysis of Socio Culturally-Bound Expressions in Indonesian English Translation of The English Education Department at IAIN Metro in The Academic Year of 2020/2021. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Milasari, Novia (2021) An Analysis of Grammatical Intricacy on Students’ Undergraduate Thesis of English Department at State Institute for Islamic Studies Metro. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Mu`Arofah, Wahidatul (2021) Improving Writing Skill By Using Language Feature in Microsoft Word of The Eleventh Graders of MA Darul A`Mal Metro in The Academic Year of 2020/2021. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Mudakir, Ahmad Ali (2021) An Analysis of Students Difficulties in Translating Text on Food Product of The Eleventh Graders of SMAN 1 Melinting. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Mudliah, Khusnul (2021) The Use of Reward and Punishment System to Improve Speaking English at Pondok Pesantren Roudlatul Qur’an 3 Sekampung Lampung Timur. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Muliati, Sintha Putri (2021) An Analysis of Code Mixing In Uncommon Way Book By Jovi Adhiguna. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Munandar, Aris (2021) The Influence of Giving Homework Toward on Students Writing Skill at the Eighth Grade of MTs Alhidayah Sulusuban Bandar Jaya Central Lampung in Academic Year of 2020/2021. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Munandar, Gatot (2021) Increasing the Student’s Listening Comprehension by Finding Idiom in English Acoustic Songs Among the Eight Graders of State Junior High School 4 Sekampung East Lampung. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Muzayyanah, Luluk (2021) An Analysis of Students Difficulties in Understading Reference in Reading Text of The Eighth Graders at SMP TMI Roudlotul Qur’an Metro. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Nasrida, Melisa (2021) An Analysis of Syntactic Shifts in English-Indonesian Translation of the English Education Department Students at IAIN Metro in the Academic Year of 2019 / 2020. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Ninsiana, Widhiya (2021) Kohesi Gramatikal Kajian Terjemahan Pada Bidding Document. Sulur Pustaka, Sleman Yogyakarta. ISBN 978-623-6791-70-7
Ninsiana, Widhiya (2021) Pembelajaran Berbicara Bahasa Inggris dengan Moodle. Sulur Pustaka, Sleman Yogyakarta. ISBN 978-623-6791-74-5
Niqma, Lailatun (2021) The Influence of English Kids Songs on The Learners Listening Comprehension at SMPN 1 Batanghari. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Nissa, Khoirrotun (2021) An Analysis of the use Code Mixing on Instagram`S Caption Used by the Member of „Kampung Bahasa Payungi‟ Metro. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Novita, Era Octa (2021) An Error Analysis On Undergraduate Thesis Written By The English Department Graduate Of IAIN Metro. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Nugroho, Rahmat Agung (2021) An Analysis of Code Mixing Used By The Presenter of Master Chef Indonesia Program on RCTI Television. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Nurjanah, . (2021) An analysis of bound morpheme of morphology subject in students english department at fifth Grade State Institute for Islamic Studies of Metro Academic Year 2020/2021. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Nurmalasari, Laila (2021) An analysis of ergativity in writing skill of the eleventh graders at SMA Darusy Syafa’ah Kotagajah in The Academic Year of 2020/2021. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Palestina, Intifada Permata (2021) An Analysis of English Speaking Abilities Among The Javanese-Indonesian Bilingual Students in English Study Program of IAIN Metro. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Paramita, Diah Ayu (2021) An Analysis of Anaphora in Kahlil Gibran’s The Prophet. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Permatasari, Shella (2021) An Error Analysis on The Use of Preposition in Descriptive Text of The Eleventh Graders at SMA N 5 Metro. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Pradini, Haanii (2021) An Analysis of Students’ Difficulties on Reading Text in Finding Main Idea at The Tenth Graders of SMK Darul A’mal Metro. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Prakoso, Iman (2021) An Analysis of Register on Student’s Undergraduate Writing Acknowledgment of English Department at State Institute Islamic Studys of Metro. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Pramasela, Mesa (2021) Improving Speaking Performance Through Three Steps Interview Technique Among The Tenth Grade At Al Madinah Boarding School Karya Tani East Lampung. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Prastiti, Eka Annisa Yuli (2021) An Undergraduate Thesis an Analysis of English Idiomatic Expressions in Alice in Wonderland Script. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Pratama, M. Sandi (2021) An Analysis of Connotative Meaning of Weird Genius Song Lyrics “Lathi”. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Pratiwi, Ivana (2021) The role of youtube used in teaching english as a foreign language instruction. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Pratiwi, Jesiska Anggun (2021) An Error Analysis of Prediction on Students’ Reading Comprehension Among The Eleventh Graders of MAN 1 East Lampung. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Pratiwi, Putri Nindi (2021) An Analysis of Intonation In English Pronunciation of English Department Students At State Institute For Islamic Studies of Metro. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Prihatini, Yunita (2021) The Use of About-Point Strategy To Improve The Students’ Reading Skill Among The Tenth Grade At MA Maarif NU 5 Sekampung In East Lampung. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Purwati, Dewi (2021) An Error Analysis of Clause Linkage Markers In Undergraduate Thesis of English Education Department Students At State Institute For Islamic Studies of Metro. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Puspasari, Hera (2021) An Analysis of Using Derivational Affixes in Surah As-Sajidah of the Holy Qur'an English Translation by Muhammad Marmaduke Picthkall. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Puspitasari, Mita (2021) An Analysis of The Students’ Reported Speech Errors in Learning Question Sentence at SMA Negeri 1 Batanghari. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Putri, Dini Kurnia (2021) An Analysis of Students Difficulties in Translating Argumentative Text From English to Indonesian of The Third Semester Students at IAIN Metro. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Putri, Sekar Winda (2021) An Analysis of Momski`s Code Mixing In Ganteng-Ganteng Serigala (GGS) Movie. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Qona’ah, Ahmad (2021) Using Mini Drama to Improve Speaking Performance Among The Eleventh Grader of MA Al Muhsin Metro. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Ramadani, Anisaa Sintya (2021) An Analysis of Reading Difficulties Faced by the Students in Scaffolding Strategy. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Rosalina, Sonia (2021) An Analysis on the Students’ Self-Esteem in Students Writing Skill Among the Eleventh Grade of SMAN 1 Kotagajah Central Lampung. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Roza, Ahmad Subhan (2021) TEACHING ENGLISH FOR INDONESIAN LEARNERS Theories and Practices. Idea Press, Yogyakarta. ISBN 978-623-6074-51-0
Roza, Ahmad Subhan (2021) Teaching English for Indonesian Learners (Theories and Practices). Idea Press Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta. ISBN 978-623-6074-51-0
Roza, Ahmad Subhan and Harya, Trisna Dinillah and Algiovan, Nyanuar (2021) The Inside of English Textbooks in a City of Education: A Cultural Content Analysis. International Journal of Multicultural and Multireligious Understanding (IJMMU), 8 (3). pp. 176-185.
Roza, Ahmad Subhan and Harya, Trisna Dinillah and Cahyadi, Dimas Sukma (2021) Integration of Mind Mapping and Carousel Feedback as the Effective Brainstorming to Improve EFL Students' Writing Skill. Universal Journal of Educational Research, 9 (5). pp. 984-993.
Roza, Ahmad Subhan and Rafli, Zaenal and Rahmat, Aceng (2021) The Use of Contextual Teaching and Learning for Speaking Class at Islamic Affiliated Schools: A Case in Indonesia. Psychology And Education, 58 (5). pp. 4928-4941. ISSN 1553-6939
Rukmana, Ayu Hardiyanti (2021) The Effect of Using Movie Subtitle As Media On The Students Vocabulary Mastery of The Tenth Grade of Senior High School 1 Punggur. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Sadewa, Putra (2021) The Correlation Between Appositive Phrase and Writing Ability Among Third Semester of English Department Students at IAIN Metro in the academic years 2019/2020. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Safitri, . (2021) The Influence of Disney Animation Movie on Student’s Reading Comprehension of The VIII Grade Students at SMPN 3 Batanghari. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Safitri, Endang (2021) An Analysis of Category Shift in English Into Indonesian Translation (A Case Study in English Education Department of IAIN Metro). Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Safitri, Nurul Indah (2021) The Influence Fly Swatter Game on the Students' Vocabulary Mastery at Eight Graders of Madrasah Tsanawiyah Wali Songo Sukajadi in the Academic Years 2020/2021. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Sahroni, Adi (2021) An Analysis of Teaching Reading Barriers Among The Eighth Grades of SMP TMI Roudlatul Qur’an Metro. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Saputra, Adi (2021) A Difficulties Analysis Of Phrase Linker In Writing Documents Among English Department Students At IAIN Metro. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Saputra, Sukma Surya (2021) The Influence of Using Printed Mass Media on The Students' Reading Comprehension Ability Among The Eleventh Grade of Madrasah Aliyah Nurul Ulum Payung Rejo Central Lampung. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Sari, Innes Yustika (2021) The Effect of Using Duolingo Application on The Students’ Vocabulary Mastery of The Tenth Grade of SmaN 1 Punggur. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Sari, Siti Nurmala (2021) A difficulties analysis of inference making ability in toefl listening test among english department students at IAIN Metro. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Sari, Yeasy Agustina and Septiyana, Linda and Suhono, Suhono and Anggaira, Aria Septi and Hasyim, Umar Al Faruq A. (2021) Corrective Feedback in Learning Interaction:Integration of Surface Strategy Taxonomy. Al-Ishlah: Jurnal Pendidikan, 13 (03). pp. 2267-2279. ISSN 2087-9490
Sartika, Santi (2021) The Influence of Classroom Management Strategy on the Students’ Speaking Ability of the Eleventh Graders at SMAN 5 Metro. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Septiani, . (2021) An Analysis of Word Order on The 2018 Abstract of The Students’ Undergraduate Thesis in State Islamic Institute of Metro. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Setiana, Vela (2021) An error analysis of using rank shift in translation of the Fourth Semester at IAIN Metro English Department Students. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Setiono, Deni (2021) Improving Writing Skill by Using Picture Word Inductive Model (PWIM) Strategy of the Eighth Graders at SMP Ma’arif Andatu II Dente Teladas Tulang Bawang in the Academic Year of 2020/2021. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Setyowati, Novi (2021) An Analysis of Initiation-Response-Feedback (IRF) on Conversation as a Means of the Teaching Speaking for the Eleventh Graders of the SMA Negeri 1 Punggur in the Academic Year of 2020/2021. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Siregar, Syahreni and Yawisah, Umi and Sunarwan, Aisyah (2021) Basic English For Islamic Students. Metrouniv Perss bekerjasama dengan Idea Press Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta. ISBN 978-623-6074-58-9
Srihartuti, Wahyu (2021) An Analysis Comparison Degree of Descriptive Writing at Islamic Boarding School Mubarok Central Lampung in Pandemic Era. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Sugiarti, Dewi (2021) An Analysis of Students Difficulties in Understanding Preposition In Writing Recount Text of The Eighth Graders of SMP TMI Roudlotul Qur’an Metro. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Sukma, Fivty Travika and Khairunita, Divia and Pradini, Haanii and Septiana, Rosmalita and Andianto, Andianto and Madkur, Ahmad and Irwansyah, Dedi (2021) Language Teaching and Learning in Indonesian Islamic Boarding Schools during the Covid-19 Pandemic Era. Prosiding The 4th International Conference on Linguistics and Language Teaching (4th ICOLLATE) 2021. pp. 256-262.
Sukoco, Puspa Anggraini (2021) The Implementation of Initiation-Response-Evaluation (IRE) Strategy in Improving Speaking Skill of the Eighth Graders of SMP Abadi Perkasa Gedung Meneng In the Academic Year of 2020/2021. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
SyahbanI, Setya Rohma (2021) An Analysis of the Students Speaking Ability on the Hospitality Program in IdeA Indonesia Metro Lampung in the Academic Year of 2020/2021. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Syahputra, Rizky Aji (2021) An Analysis of the Students Different Negotiation of Meaning among English Department of IAIN Metro. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Syakur, Abd. and Ninsiana, Widhiya and Herlisya, Destia (2021) English For Economics. Sulur Pustaka, Sleman Yogyakarta. ISBN 978-623-6791-87-5
Tiara, Nur Indah (2021) Improving the Students’ Reading Comprehension Through Flip Strategy of the Eight Graders at MTs Ma’arif 04 Rumbia. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Trismadhari, . (2021) The Use Time Token Arends to Improve Students Speaking Ability at Eight Graders of Junior High School Negeri 1 Punggur. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Umaya, Rifka (2021) Using Tic Tac Toe Game to Improve the Students' Understanding on Simple Past Tense at the Eight Grade Student of SMP PGRI 1 Kesumadadi Bekri. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Utama, Bayu Putra (2021) An Analysis of The Difficulties of Using Showdown Technique in Teaching Writing Skill of The Tenth Grade of MAN 1 Lampung Timur. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Wahyudin, Wahyudin and Anggaira, Aria Septi (2021) Dasar-Dasar Filsafat Ilmu Refleksi Pemikiran Bagi Ilmu Pengetahuan. Idea Press Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta. ISBN 978-623-6074-53-4
Wahyuni, Rizki (2021) An Error Analysis on the Use of Modality in the Undergraduate Thesis of English Department Students of IAIN METRO in the Academic Year of 2017/2018. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Wati, Kerisma (2021) An Analysis of Cleft Construction in Undergraduate Thesis of English Education Department Students at IAIN Metro. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Wati, Ning Setio and Anggaira, Aria Septi and Sari, Yeasy Agustina and Andianto, Andianto (2021) Pendampingan Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris Dengan Menggunakan Media Digital Untuk Anak Usia Dini. Jurnal Pengabdian Dharma Wacana, 2 (1). pp. 8-14. ISSN 2775-7749
Wati, Yuni Erlina (2021) An Analysis of Affixes in Adele’s Song Lyrics. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Widayanti, Irma (2021) An Analysis of Students’ Difficulties In Listening Comprehension of Maher Zain Song “Insyaallah” at the Eighth Grade at SMP STMI Roudlatul Qur’an Metro. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Widiyanti, Aprilita (2021) Semantic Analysis of the Figurative Language in Edgar Allan Poe’s Poem. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Wiyata, Anwar Sidiq (2021) An Analysis of Idiomatic Expression in Script of “Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows “. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Wulandari, Melia (2021) An Analysis of Pronunciation Problems Faced by The Students of Sman 1 Punggur Lampung Tengah. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Wulansari, . (2021) Improving Students’ Reading Comprehension Using Vocabulary Self-Collection Strategy at Seventh Graders of MTs Darul A’mal Metro. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Yawisah, Umi (2021) The Use Of LMS Application In Education The New Normal Time. 9Th Metro International Conference On Islamic Studies (MICIS) : "Contructingsuitainable Education And Economic Systems In The Post COVID-19 Pandemi Era" Post Graduate IAIN Metro Lampung October 22Nd 2020. ISSN 978-623-95339-0-8
Yawisah, Umi and Irwansyah, Dedi (2021) Proseding dengan judul artikel "The Presentation of English Language in Umar Kayam's Newspaper colomn" dipresentasikan di KOLITA 19 :Konferensi Linguistik Atmajaya ke sembilan Belas Tingkat Internasional. Pusat Kajian Bahasa dan Budaya Universitas Katolik Indonesia Atma Jaya, Jakarta.
Yodaniako, Daeng (2021) The Implementation of Lexical Method to Increase the Reading Comprehension Ability of the Seventh Graders at SMP Muhammadiyah 4 Metro in the Academic Year of 2020/2021. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Yusuf, Naufal Rafiq (2021) The Use of Short Story to Improve The Students’ Reading Comprehension Among The Eighth Graders MTs Takhassus Al-Qur’an Al-Falahiyah Batanghari East Lampung In Academic Year of 2020/2021. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.