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Items where Division is "Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris" and Year is 2017
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Roza, Ahmad Subhan (2017) The Effect Of Educational Background On Politeness Among The Students Of Stain Jurai Siwo Metro. Pedagogy - Journal of English Language Teaching, 5 (1). pp. 15-26. ISSN 2338-882X
Yawisah, Umi (2017) Surat Pencatatan Ciptaan berupa buku dengan judul A Hand Book on Skimming and Scanning. Documentation. Kementerian hukum dan HAM, Metro.
Agustina, Titin (2017) The Effect of Buzz Group Technique on Students’ Writing Descriptive Text at the Tenth Grade Of Sman 2 Sekampung East Lampung in Academic Year 2017/2018. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Alfania, Nofa (2017) Increasing The Students Speaking Performance Through Community Language Learning (CLL) Method at The Seventh Grade of MTs Al-Hikmah Batanghari Academic Year 2016/2017. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Al’ Imroah, . (2017) An Analysis on The Students’ Ability in Writing Narrative Text At The Eighth Grade of SMPN 1 Trimurjo in The Academic Year of 2017/2018. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Amanah, Bekti (2017) The Influence of The Using Mind Mapping Technique on The Students Reading Comprehension Ability at The Eighth Grade of SMP it Bina Insani Metro. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Andani, Nera (2017) Using Posse (Predict , Organize, Search, Summarize and Evaluate) Strategy to Improve The Students’ Reading Comprehension At The Eight Graders of MTs N Lampung Timur in The Academic Year of 2017/2018. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Andriani, Nova Aulia (2017) Increasing The Students Recount Writing Skill Through Picture Media at The Eight Gradeof The SMP N 1 Trimurjo Central Lampung. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Anggraini, Dian (2017) Improving The Students’ Writing Ability in Narrative Text By Using Roundtable Technique at The Eleventh Grade of SMAN 2 Sekampung East Lampung. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Anggraini, Dian (2017) Improving the Students' Writing Ability in Narrative Text by Using Roundtable Technique at the Eleventh Grade of SMAN 2 Sekampung East Lampung. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Angreini, Yesi (2017) Utilizing Flashcard As Media to Enhance Students’ Vocabulary Mastery at The Seventh Grade of MTs N 1 Lampung Timur. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Apriliani, Rizki (2017) Improving Students’ Writing Descriptive Text Skill Through Slow Caps Strategy at The Tenth Graders of MA Darul Amal Metro Barat. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Arifah, Nurul (2017) The Implementation of Clustering Technique to Increase The Students Descriptive Text Writing Ability At The Eighth Grade of SMP TMI Roudlotul Qur’an Metro. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Ariyani, Sela (2017) Improving Reading Comprehension Ability by Using Pause, Prompt, Praise (PPP) Strategy at The Eleventhgraders of SMA N 2 Metro. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Armanda, Rendi (2017) The Influence of Using Three-Step Interview Strategy Toward Students’ Speaking Performance At The Eleventh Grader of MAN 1 Metro. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Armawati, . (2017) Increasing The Writing Skill Through Implementation Of Task Based Language Teaching Approach At Eleventh Graders SMK Wiratama Kotagajah Academic Year 2016/2017. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Arniatika, Sefvirda (2017) Improving Speaking Performance Through Pecha Kucha Presentation Method Among The Tenth Graders of SMA Muhammadiyah Pekalongan East Lampung. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Aryani, Rosita (2017) Improving The Students’ Descriptive Text Writing Skill by Using Brain Storming Technique of The Eight Grade of SMP TMI Roudlotul Qur’an Metro. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Ayuningtias, Sintya (2017) Improving The Students’ Reading Comprehension Ability by Using The Big Book at The Eighth Gradersof SMP Muhammadiyah 4 Metro. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Baroroh, Kholidatul (2017) The Use of News Paper To Improve The Students’ Reading Comprehension Ability at SMA Yayasan Islam Miftahul Huda (Yasmida) Ambarawa Pringsewu In The Academic Year Of 2016/2017. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Barwanti, Rosiyana (2017) Improving Reading Comprehension Ability By Using Collaborative Strategic Reading (CSR) Among The Eleventh Graders Of The MA Muhammadiyah Metro In Academic Years 2016/2017. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Churria, Fiftyna Nur (2017) Using Illustration Picture As Medium to Increase The Students’ Vocabulary Mastery at The Seventh Graders of SMP N 6 Metro. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Dewi, Dahlia Puspa (2017) The Use of Drill Techniqueto Improve The Students’ Vocabulary Mastery at The Third Grade of SDIT Wahdatul Ummah Metro. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Divani, Mila (2017) Increasing Descriptive Writing Ability Through Focusedlisting Technique Among The Tenthgraders of The SMA N 1 Batanghari East Lampung. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Diya Alhaq, Muhammad Najmussaqib (2017) An Analysis ff Language Learning Media Elements in “Clash Of Clans”Game. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Febrianto, Rian (2017) Improving The Students’ Reading Comprehension Through Guided Reading Strategyat Eight Class of Junior High School Muhammadiyah Sekampung East Lampung. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Fentiarisca, Fresy (2017) An Analysis of Using Code Mixing in English Written Blackberry Messenger (BBM) Comments At The Eight Semester Students of English Departement of State Islamic Institute of Metro. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Furqon, Muhammad Khoiri (2017) Improving The Punctuation Mastery in a Paragraph Writing Through Peer Review Technique The Eleventh Graders of SMAN 1 Batanghari East Lampung. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Gumelar, Gangsar (2017) The Implementation of Student Team Achievement Division (STAD) Technique to Improve Speaking Skill at The Tenth Grades of SMK YPI II Way Jepara East Lampung. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Hakim, Lukmanul (2017) An Error Analysis of Using Inflectional Affixes in Students’ Writing Ability at The Third Semester of STAIN Jurai Siwo Metro in Academic Year 2016/2017. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Hilaliyah, . (2017) Using Mini-Drama to Improve Speaking Performance Among The Eleventh Grader of Man 1 Metro Academic Year 2016/2017. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Humairoh, Novita (2017) The Implementation Of Grammar Translation Method to Increase The Students’ Recount Text Writing Ability at The Eighth Grade Of SMPN 1 Batanghari In The Academic Year Of 2016/2017. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Imtikhanah, Mukhlishotul (2017) Using Jigsaw Technique to Increase Students’writing Ability in Descriptive Text at The Eight Grade of SMP Negeri 1 Kibang Lampung Timur in Academic Year 2017/2018. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Inawati, Iin (2017) A Language Form Analysis Of English Education Slogan. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Indah, Selviya Nur (2017) The Influence of Using Electronic Dictionaryas Medium on The Students’ Vocabulary Mastery at The Eighth Grade of Junior High School 5 Metro. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Indah Sari, Lilis Nur (2017) The Correlation Between The Vocabulary Mastery And Writing Ability Among The Eighth Grade Students Of Junior High School 2 Tumijajarin The Academic Year Of 2017/ 2018. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Indartiana, . (2017) Improving The Students’ Reading Comprehension By Using CIRC Strategy At The Eighth Grade Of SMPN 10 Metro In Academic Year Of 2016/2017. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Istiana, Nina Desi (2017) The influence of using round robin technique toward students’ speaking performace at eleventh grade of SMA N 2 Metro. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Isticomah, . (2017) The Influence of Using Picture Media Toward Students’ Writing Descriptive Text of the Eight Grade of Mts Ma’arif 11 Seputih Banyak Central Lampung. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Istikomah, . (2017) An Error Analysis of Grammatical Cohesion on Students’ Abstract of Undergraduate Thesis in State Islamic Institute of Metro in Academic Year Of 2016/2017. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Ivosari, Zuharoh (2017) The Influenceof Story Completion Technique on the Students’ Speakingperformanceat The Third Semester of English Department of State Institute For Islamicstudies of Metro. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Kharisma, Liftin (2017) The Influence of Using Scrabble Game On The Students’ Vocabulary Mastery at The Eight Grade of SMP PGRI 1 Batanghari East Lampung. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Khoitamin, Alfi Nur (2017) The Use Of WH-Questionstechniqueto Improvethe Students’ Speaking Performance At The Eight Graders Of MTS Darul A’mal Metro. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Khoitamin, Alfi Nur (2017) The Use Of Wh-Questions Technique To Improvethe Students’ Speaking Performance At The Eight Graders Of MTs Darul A’mal Metro. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Khotimah, Candra Khusnul (2017) Improving The Students’ Reading Skill Through Neurological Impress Method (NIM) At Eight Grade In SMP PGRI 1 Batanghari East Lampung. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Kurnia, Anadia (2017) Improving Student’s Vocabulary Mastery Through Charades Game At The Eighth Graders of MTS. Pelita Gedongtataanin The Academic Year Of 2016/2017. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Kurniasih, Indah (2017) An Analysis Of Grammatical Errors Of Using Google Translate From Indonesia To English In Writing Undergraduate Thesis Abstract Among Thestudents’ English Department Of Iain Metro In The Academic Year 2016/2017. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Lestari, Mugi Indah (2017) The Influence of Choral Reading Methodtoward Students’ Reading Comprehension Ability at The Seventh Grade of SMPN 3 Batanghari. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Lestari, Wiji (2017) The Influence of Using Metacognitive Strategyon The Students Reading Comprehension at The Tenth Graders of Madrasah Aliyah (MA) Muhammadiyah Metro. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Linanti, Athis (2017) The Use of Information Gap Activity Technique to Improvethe Speaking Skill at The Eighth Graders of SMP N 10 Metro. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Luthfiyah, An Nur Mu’minatul (2017) The Implementation of Picture Sequence Media to Increase The Students’ Ability In Recount Paragraph Writing at The Eighth Grade of MTs Darul A’mal West Metro In Academic Year 2016/2017. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Malasari, Desi (2017) An Error Analysis on The Use of Word Order in Recount Made Students’ of SMK N 3 Metro. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Ma’wa, Binti Nurjanatul (2017) Using Clustering Technique to Improve Descriptive Text Writing Skill At The Tenth Graders Of Vocational High School 03 Metro In The Academic Year 2016 / 2017. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Meiva, Pentri (2017) The Implementation of Picture Sequence Media To Increase The Students’ Ability In Recount Paragraph Writing At The Eighth Grade of MTs Darul A’mal West Metro In Academic Year 2016/2017. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Mubarokah, Eni Qistia (2017) Increasing The Students’ Reading Comprehension by Using Shared Reading Method at The Seventh Graders of SMP Muhammadiyah 4 Metro. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Muhimmah, Alvi Nurul (2017) The Use of Snowball Throwing Technique to Improve The Speaking Performance Among The Seventh Grade Students of MTs N 1 Lampung Timur. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Mulyani, Evie (2017) A Study on English Dificulty Factors Among Eight Graders of The Smp Islam Terpadu (IT) Insan Mulia Batanghari East Lampung. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Mutmainnah, Miftahul (2017) The Influence of Running Dictation Strategy Toward Students’ Writing Narrative Text Skill at The Eleventh Grade of SMAN 1 Punggur Central Lampung. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Muyasaroh, Siti (2017) Increasing the students’ ability in writing descriptive text through picture among the eighth grade of Junior High School Karya Bakti Sukadana East Lampung. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Nafi’ah, Rohimatun (2017) The Use of Story Telling By Picture Series Technique to Improve The Students’ Speaking Ability at The Eleventh Grade of SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Metro. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Ningsih, Alimah Setia (2017) The Influence of Using Self Regulated Learning Strategy on The Students’ Reading Comprehension Ability at The Eighth Graders of MTs Al-Asror Sekampung. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Ningsih, Sri Wahyu Setya (2017) The Use of Story Completion Technique to Improve Speaking Ability Among The Tenth Grade of SMK Wiratama Kotagajah. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Nitasari, Mei (2017) The Influence of Using Mingle Game Strategy Towards Students’ Speaking Performance at The Tenth Grade of SMAN 1 Punggur Central Lampung. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Nugroho, Wismoyo Sandi (2017) Increasing The Students’ Reading Comprehension in Recount Text By Using Paired Reading Techniqueat Eleventh Gradeof MA Walisongo Sukajadi Bumi Ratu Nuban Lampung Tengah. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Nurvitria Sari, Vilda Ayu (2017) The Influence of Using Guessing Game Toward Student Vocabulary Mastery at Seventh Grades of MTs N 1 East Lampung in Academic Year 2017/2018. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Oktantia, Vivia (2017) The Influence of Using Nominal Group Technique on The Students’ Writing Skill in Descriptive Text At The Eighth Graders of SMPN 8 Metro. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Oktaviani, Ayu (2017) The Use of Short Story to Increase The Students’ Reading Comprehension at The Eighth Grade of Junior High School 2 Batanghari East Lampung. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Pangestu, Lulus Uji (2017) Improving Students' Speaking Performance Through Classroom Debate Technique at the Eleventh Grades of MAN 1 Metro in Academic Year 2017/2018. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Pratiwi, Annisa (2017) Improving Speaking Performance by Using Chain Drill Technique at Eighth Grade Students of SMPN 2 Kotagajah. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Puspitawati, Destri (2017) The Correlation Between Students’ Reading Skill And Their Translation Ability at The Eighth Grade of SMP PGRI 4 Bandar Mataram. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Pusumakeja, Sena Marhaendra (2017) An Analysis of Moral Value Teaching In “The Fate of The Furious” Movie(Based on Its Main Characters). Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Putri, Dwi Mailia (2017) The Correlation Between Students Reading Comprehension and Translation Ability at The Fifth Semester of English Education Department In State Islamic Institute of Metro. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Putri, Mutiara Eka (2017) The Influence of Different Phonetics Between English and Indonesian Languages on The Students Speaking Performance at The Eleventh Graders of SMK Muhammadiyah 2 Metro in The Academic Year of 2017/2018. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Putri, Yeviana (2017) The Use of Puppet Toy-Play Technique to Increase Speaking Performance Among The Eight Grade Students of SMP N 3 Batanghari East Lampung. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Qoriah, Fadwatul (2017) The influence of using scaffolding strategy toward students’ speaking performance at the tenth grade of SMA Negeri 1 Punggur Central Lampung. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Rahmah, Aulia (2017) Improving Pronunciation Skill Through Minimal Pair Drill Technique Among The Seventh Graders of SMP Darul ‘Ulum Sekampung East Lampung Academic Year 2016/2017. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Rahmawati, Vika (2017) The Influence of Using Guessing Game Technique Toward The Student’s Vocabulary Mastery Among Seventh Grade of SMP N 9 Metro In Academic Year 2016/2017. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Ramadhani, Ayunda Pertiwi (2017) The Influence of Using Buzz Group Technique on The Students’ Speaking Performance at Eighth Grade of SMPN 5 Metro. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Ratnasari, Desty (2017) The Influence of Aplication Textual Enhancement Technique Toward Student’s Simple Present Tense Mastery at The Seventh Grade of Smp IT Bina Insani Metro in Academic Year 2016/2017. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Ratnasari, Neti Dwi (2017) Using Think-Aloud Strategy to Improve The Students’ Reading Comprehension at The Eighth Grade of Mts N 1 Lampung Timur in Academic Year 2017/2018. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Ratnawati, . (2017) Improving Reading Comprehension Abilityin Narrative Text by Using Strategy DRTA Among The Eighth Graders of SMP N 2 Kotagajah in The Academic Year of 2016/2017. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Rianndari, Putri (2017) Improving The Descriptive Paragraph Writing Skills Through Presentation, Practice, Production (PPP) Method Among The Eighth Grader of SMPN 01 Pekalongan. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Rohmah, Amanatur (2017) An Error Analysis Of Redundancy In Students’ Writing Performance Among Student At Third Semester Of Englisheducation Departement Of The State Institutefor Islamic Sudies Of Metro. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Rohmi, Amalia (2017) The influence of using rote learning strategy on the students’ vocabulary mastery at the eighth graders of SMPN 1 Punggur in the academic year of 2017/2018. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Rustiary, Diana Eka (2017) Improving Students' Speaking Performance Through Talking Chips Strategy at SMP Muhammadiyah 3 Metro. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Rustiary, Diana Eka (2017) Improving Students’ Speaking Performance Through Talking Chips Strategy at SMP Muhammadiyah 3 Metro. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Safitri, Meiliani Candra (2017) Improving The Student’s Speaking Ability Through Communication Game At The First Grade of The MTs Muhammadiyah Purbolinggo East Lampung. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Sani, Afita Mukhlis (2017) The Influence of Using Prediction Story Technique Toward Students’ Writing Narrative Ability at Tenth Grade of SMK PGRI 1 Sekampung Udik, East Lampung. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Sani, Betty Permana (2017) Analysis of Students’ Difficulties in Ambiguous Meaning on Recount Text at The Fifth Semester of State Institute For Islamic Studies (IAIN) of Metro in a Academic Year 2016/2017. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Saputri, Chicca Kurnia (2017) The Use of Team Accelerated Instruction (TAI) Strategy To Improve Students’ Reading Comprehension At The Eleventh Grade Students of SMA Negeri 1 Kotagajah Central Lampung. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Sari, Anggraeni Puspita (2017) The Improvement of Student’s Speaking Skillthrough Guessing Games Technique at Seventh Graders of Madrasah Tsanawiyah Ma’arif NU 5 Sekampung East Lampung 2016/2017. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Sari, Elly Puspita (2017) An Analysis of Idiom Comprehension Difficultieson Listening Comprehension on Toefl Test Among The Students of English Education Department At Iain Metro In The Academic Year of 2016/2017. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Sinta, Afrilia Prana (2017) An Error Analysis of Using Word Order In Recount Text At Thetenth Graders Of Sma Ma’arif 05 Padang Ratu Central of Lampung in Academic Year of 2016 / 2017. Undergraduate thesis, STAIN Jurai Siwo.
Soviana, Wiji (2017) The Use of Whispering Gameto Increase The Students’ Vocabulary Mastery at The Eighth Graders of SMPN 1 Punggur Central Lampung. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Sulastri, . (2017) Using Community Language Learning Method to Increase Vocabulary Mastery at The Seventh Grade of MTs Guppi 02 Untoro. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Sundari, Sri (2017) Using Role Play Technique to Improve The Students’ Pronunciation Skill at The Eighth Grade of SMPN 2 Pekalongan East Lampung. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Susilowati, Tri (2017) The Influence of Using Teens Magazine Medium Toward The Students’ Grammar Mastery at The Seventh Grade of Junior High School 5 Metro. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Susnawati, . (2017) Improving the students’ speaking performance by using picture series among the seventh graders of MTs N 1 East Lampung. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Ulfa, Hafidatul (2017) An Analysis Of Generic Structure Of Students Writing Descriptive Text On The Students Blog Among The Students Of English Department Of The State Institute For Islamic Studies Of Metro. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Utami, Pancaning (2017) Improving The Recount Text Writing Skill Through Holiday Picture at The Eight Grade Students of SMP Purnama Trimurjo Central Lampung. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Utami, Restu (2017) The Influence of Using Know, Want, Learn (K-W-L) Strategy Toward Students’reading Comprehension Ability At The Eleventh Grade Students of SMK Karya Wiyata Punggur, Central Lampung. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Wahyuni, Nur Indah (2017) The Use Of Films As Media To Improve Students’ Argumentative Speaking Performance At The Eight Grade Student Of SMPN 1 Abung Semuli. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Wahyuningsih, . (2017) The Influence Of Listen-Read-Discuss (LRD) Strategion The Students’ Reading Comprehension Ability at The Eighth Grade of SMP N 3 Batanghari East Lampung. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Wakhidiyanti, Iis (2017) Increasing The Students’ Speaking Performance by Using Inside-Outside Circle Technique at Eighth Graders of SMP Darul ‘Ulum Sekampung East Lampung. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Widiawati, . (2017) The Influence of Using Contextual Teaching and Learning Approach on The Students Writing Skill at The Eighth Grade of SMP N 1 Bumi Agung East Lampung. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Wulandari, Selly (2017) The Influence of Using Know, Want To Know And Learn (KWL) Strategyon The Students’ Reading Comprehension Ability at The Eleventh Grade of SMA N 1 Sukadana East Lampung. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Yani, Eka Arif (2017) Increasing The Reading Comprehension Ability by Using Student Team Achievement Division (Stad) Method at The Tenth Graders of MA Darun Nasyi’in Bumi Jawa in Academic Year 2017/2018. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Yulianti, Yuyun (2017) The Influence of Using Spelling Bee Game Media Toward Students’ Speaking Skill at Eight Grade of SMP Muhammadiyah. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Yusnitasari, Novia (2017) The Influence of Role Play Technique on The Students Speaking Ability At The Eleventh Graders of SMK N 1 Pekalongan East Lampung. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Zunitara, Vivi (2017) Increasing Speaking Ability By Using Information Gap Technique Among The Tenth Graders Of The SMK N 1 Pekalongan East Lampung1804020005. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.