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Items where Division is "Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris" and Year is 2018
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Abadi, Tika Riyan (2018) The Use of PQ4R Strategy(Preview, Question, Read, Reflect, Recite, Review)to Improve The Reading Comprehension in Narrative Text Among The Tenth Graders at Senior High School1 Sekampung in The Academic Year of 2018/2019. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Alfian, Toni (2018) Increasing The Students’ Listening Comprehension By Using Dictogloss Method At Eleventh Grade of MA Walisongo Sukajadi Bumi Ratu Nuban Central Lampung. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Alhaq, Muhammad Najmussaqib Diya (2018) An Analysis Of Language Learning Media Elements In “Clash Of Clans” Game. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Andayani, Nur Alpi (2018) An Analysis on Using Adjective Word Order in Undergradute Thesis of English Education Department Students at State Institute For Islamic Studies of Metro. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Anggraini, Dwi Ayu (2018) The Use of Timeline Strategy to Improve Recount Text Writing Skill at Tenth Grade Students of MAN 1 Lampung Timur in The Academic Year of 2018/2019. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Anggraini, Tia (2018) The Use of Word Walls Media to Improve Students’ Vocabulary Mastery at The Eighth Graders of SMP Negeri 10 Metro. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Aninda, Rizky Putri (2018) The Use of Interactive Learning Approach to Improve The Students Writing Descriptive Text Ability Atthe Eighth Grade of SMP N 10 Metro. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Anjarwati, Arbain Dewi (2018) Improving Reading Skill By Using Of Peer Assisted Learning Strategy (PALS) Among The Eighth Graders of SMP Islam Purbolinggo in The Academic Year of 2017 / 2018. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Apriliani, Dewi (2018) The Use Of Guessing Game To Improve Students’ Vocabulary Mastery At The Eighth Grade Of Smp N 2 Kotagajah. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Aprillia, Azzahra (2018) The Use of Spelling Bee Games to Increase Students’ Vocabulary Mastery at Muhammadiyah Ahmad Dahlan Junior High School of Metro. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Ariyani, Vita (2018) Increasing The Students Writing Ability by Using English Spelling Bee Game Among The Eighth Grade at SMPN 6 Metro in The Academic Year of 2018/2019. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Aryanti, Nurleni (2018) Improving Students’ Speaking Ability by Using Question Answer Technique at The Eighth Grade of SMPN 4 Metro. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Asih, Retno (2018) An Analysis Ofteacher And Learners` Interacltion In The Classroom By Using Flander Interaction Analysis Categories System (FIACS) Techniques at The Second Grade of SMP Negeri 2 Metro in Academic Year 2017/2018. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Asmy, Amanda Mutiara (2018) The Influence of Classroom Management Strategy on The Students Speaking Performance at The Seventh Grade of SMP N 3 Sekampung. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Asnanudin, . (2018) The Influence of Using Repetition Drill Toward Students Speaking Performance at Eight Grade of SMP MMT Kebun Dalam Way Serdang Mesuji In Academic Year 2017/2018. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Astuti, Dwi (2018) The Use of Roundtable Technique to Improve Students’ Writing Ability Among The Eleventh Graders at SMA Negeri 1 Kotagajah in Central Lampung. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Astuti, Dwi (2018) The Use of Roundtable Technique to Improve Students’ Writing Ability Among the Eleventh Graders at Sma Negeri 1 Kotagajah in Central Lampung. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Astuti, Erma Yuli (2018) An Analysis on the Barries in Teaching of Reading Among the Eighth Grades of the SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Bangunrejo Central Lampung. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Astuti, Puji (2018) The Use of Roundtable Technique to Increase The Descriptive Writing Skill Among The Eighth Grade Students’ of The SMP N 02 Purbolinggo East Lampung. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Astuti, Tri (2018) The Influence of Using Problem Based Learning Strategy on The Students Reading Comprehension In Descriptive Text At The Seventh Grade Students of SMP Negeri 02 Pubian in The Academic Year of 2017/2018. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Astuti, Yulia (2018) An Error Analysis on Using Word Order in Recount Text Made by The Students of The Eighth Grader at The MTs N 1 Lampung Timur. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Azizah, Afif (2018) Improving Students Pronunciation Mastery Through Reading Aloud Among the Eight Graders of MTs Riyadlatul Ulum of East Lampung. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Azizah, Rofikotul (2018) The Use of Board Game To Improve The Students’ Simple Past Tense Mastery at The Tenth Grader of SMK N 1 Raman Utara East Lampung. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Azizah, Umi Khazirotul (2018) An Error Analysis on Using Lexical Polisemy Translation at The English Department of IAIN Metro in The Academic Year of 2018/2019. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Cahyadi, Ronal Ariswan (2018) An Error Analysis Of Using Code Mixing In E-Diary Harian.Wordpress.Com English Study Program Of IAIN Metro. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Choirunnisa, Dhea (2018) Improving Students Argumentative Writing Through Problem Based Learning Method At The Eleventh Grade in MA Darul A’mal Metro Barat. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Darrisna, Alfianis Rizqi (2018) The Use Of Humor Video To Increase The Students’ Speaking Performance At Junior High School Of Muhammadiyah Sekampung In The Academic Of Year 2017/2018. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Destiana, Eka (2018) The Implementation of Small Group Discussion Technique to Increase The Students Reading Comprehension Ability at The Eighth Graders of SMP PGRI 2 Sekampung. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Dewega, Eva (2018) The Influence Of Advertising Media On The Students’ Reading Comprehension At The Eleventh Graders Of SMK 2 Ganesa Sekampung East Lampung. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Dewi, Ayu Agustiana (2018) The English Teaching For Children With Hearing Impairment A Case Study of English As A Foreign Language (EFL) at The Eighth Graders of SLB Negeri Metro in The Academic Year of 2018 / 2019. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Dewi, Nur Yunika Cipta (2018) Increasing The Students’ Vocabulary Mastery By Using Semantic Mapping Strategy at The Seventh Graders of SMP N 6 Metro. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Eksanti, . (2018) The Use of One-To-One Teaching Learning Strategy to Improve The Students’ Descriptive Reading Abilities At The Eight Grade Of The SMP Negeri 1 Batanghari East Lampung in Academic Year 2017/2018. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Eviyanti, Retno (2018) The Implementation of Jeopardy Game to Increase Student’s Reading Comprehension at The Eight Grade of SMP N I Punggur Central Lampung. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Fachrunnisa, Aizul Asmi Afriliana (2018) The Use of Contextual Teaching And Learning Approach to Improve The Students’ Simple Past Tense Mastery at The Eighth Graders of MTsn 1 East Lampung. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Fadhilah, Dina Irbah (2018) The Influence of Using Story Map Strategy on The Students’s Reading Comprehension Skill Among The Eighth Grade Of SMP N 2 Trimurjo in The Academic Year of 2018/2019. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Fepioni, . (2018) Increasing The Students Speaking Performance by Using Simulation Tachnique at The Eighth Grade of SMP N 5 Metro. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Fitriyani, . (2018) Increasing Speaking Performance By Using Language Games Among The Eighth Grade Students of MTs Mathlaul Anwar Meraksa Aji Tulang Bawang In Academic Year 2017/2018. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Fitriyani, . (2018) Increasing Speaking Performance by Using Language Games Among the Eighth Grade Students of MTs Mathlaul Anwar Meraksa Aji Tulang Bawang In Academic Year 2017/2018. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Fitriyanti, Zulaikha (2018) The Use of Movie Media to Increase Students’ Listening Skill Among The Eighth Graders of State Junior High School 8 Metro in Academic Year of 2017/2018. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Gunawan, . (2018) Increasing The Students’ Writing Descriptive Paragraphby Using Student Teams Achievement Devision (Stad) Technique at The Eleventh Graders of Sma Gaya Baru Seputih Surabaya. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Gusmawan, Wildan (2018) The Influence Ofusingfocused Clozestrategy Onthe Students’ Reading Comprehension Skills At The Eight Graders Of SMP N 1 Pekalongan In The Academic Year Of 2017/2018. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Hanisah, Heni Titin (2018) The Implementation of Pictures in Improving the Students' Speaking Ability at the Eight Grade of MTs Darussalam Seputih Banyak Central Lampung. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Hariyati, Riska (2018) Improving the Expository Paragraph in Writing Skills by Using Think Talk Write (TTW) Strategy at the Eighth Grades of SMP Negeri 3 Sekampung in Academic Year 2017/2018. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Haryadi, Ali (2018) An Analysis Of The Students’ Error In Using Simple Past Tense In Writing Narrative Text At The Eigth Graders Of MTS GUPPI Pisang Baru Way Kanan in The Academic Year Of 2015/2016. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Hasanah, Mauizotul (2018) The Use of Reciprocal Teaching Technique to Improve Stusents' Reading Comprehension at the Eight Grades of SMP Negeri 01 Metro Kibang East Lampung. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Hastari, Rini (2018) The Use of Draw Label Caption (DLC) Technique To Improve Thenarrative Paragraph Writing Abilityamong The Tenth Graders of SMAN 1 Trimurjo Central Lampung. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Hayani, . (2018) Improving The Students’ Descriptive Writing Ability By Using Flip Chart Media at The Eighth Graders Among SMP Purnama Trimurjo in Academic Year Of 2017/2018. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Herfiani, Okta (2018) The Use of Three Step Interview Strategy to Increase the Descriptive Writing Skills Among the Second Grades of SMP N 5 Metro. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Herlina, . (2018) The Influence of Using Scaffolding Strategy on The Students’ Reading Comprehension At The Eighth Graders of MTs Daarul Ma’arif Natar in The Academic Year of 2017/2018. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Husna, Nadia Amalinal (2018) Improving The Descriptive Writing Ability by Using Stad (Student Team Achievement Divisions) Type Among Eight Graders of MTs N 1 East Lampung. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Imah, Tuatul (2018) Improving the students’ pronunciation ability through audio lingual method at the eighth grade of MTs N 2 Lampung Timur in academic year 2017/2018. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Imah, Tuatul (2018) Mproving The Students’ Pronunciation Ability Through Audio Lingual Method At The Eighth Grade Of MTS N 2 Lampung Timur In Academic Year 2017/2018. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Indah Wardani, Tri Mulya (2018) Improving the Students`Writing Skillin Procedure Text by Jumbled Sentences Approach at The Tenth Graders of SMK IT Baitunnur Punggur in The Academic Year of 2018/2019. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Indriyani, Adetia (2018) An Error Analysis On Using Cohesive Devices In Students’ Narrative Writing Text At SMK Muhammadiyah 2 Metro. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Indriyani, Desy (2018) The Use of Brain Storming Technique to Improve Advertisement Writing Skill at Twelfth Grade of SMK Wiratama Kotagajah Central Lampung. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Irawan, Bobi (2018) The Use of Reciprocal Teaching Method to Improve Students’ Reading Comprehension Skill At The Eight Grade of SMP Muhammadiyah 3 Metro in The Academic Year 2017/2018. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Jamaludin, Muhammad (2018) The Use of Dyadic Essay Technique to Improve Recount Writing Skill Among The Eighth Grade Students of MTs Miftahul Huda Seputih Raman Central Lampung. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Jannati, Fauziyah (2018) The Students’ Ability In Writing A Recount Text Through Word Wall Media At MTs Tri Bhakti At-Taqwa East Lampung In The Academic Year Of 2017/ 2018. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Jaya, Indrawan Afriyan (2018) The Use of Team Word-Webbing Strategy to Increase Students' Reading Comprehension at the Seventh Grade of SMPN 2 Kotagajah. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Kemala, Alfi Purnama Dewi (2018) The Use of PQ4R Method to Improve The Students’ Reading Comprehension At The Eight Grade of SMPN 2 Metro in The Academic Year 2017/2018. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Khairiyah, Nafiatul (2018) Improving The Students’ Reading Comprehension By Applying Predicting Strategy At The Eighth Grade Of MTS Muhammadiyah Metro In Academic Year 2017/2018. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Khairunnisa, Arini (2018) Improving The Speaking Ability Through Pair Work Technique Among The Eleventh Graders of SMA Negeri 1 Trimurjo Central Lampung. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Khasanah, Nilatul (2018) The Use of Gallery Walk Strategy to Improve The Students’ Reading Narative Text Among The Tenth Grade Students of Ma Ma’arif 01 Punggur Central Lampung. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Khasanah, Nurul (2018) The Use of Multiple-Slot Substitution Drill Technique To Increase The Student’s Speaking Performance at The Eighth Grade of SMP N 7 Metro. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Khasanah, Nurul (2018) The Use of Prompting Technique to Improve The Reading Comprehension Skills at Eighth Grade of MTs Darul A’mal Metro In Academic Year 2017/2018. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Khotimah, Khusnul (2018) The Influence of Using Realia Mediaon Students’ Writing Descriptive Paragraph at SMK PGRI 1 Transpram II Labuhan Ratu. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Khotimah, Nurul (2018) The Use of Linking Word Game To Improve Students’ Vocabulary Mastery at The Seventh Grade Of SMP N 10 Metro. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Kusuma, Beni Endra (2018) An Analysis of Writing Descriptive Text on Blog Media of Training For Master ( TFM ) at Idea Indonesia in Metro in Academic Year 2017/2018. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Lathiifah, Zahrotul (2018) The Influence of Using Team Assisted Individualization Techniquetoward Students’ Speaking Ability at The Second Grade Of SMA Al Ismailiyun Sukadamai Natar. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Latifah, Dewi (2018) The Use of Praise-Question-Polish (PQP) Strategy to Increase Students’ Recount Writing Skills of The Second Grade of MTs N 1 East Lampung. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Latifah, Tini Aulia (2018) The Influence of Using Mnemonic Method on The Students Vocabulary Mastery at The Tenth Graders of SMA N 01 Punggurin The Academic Year of 2018/2019. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Lestari, Evi (2018) Improving the students reading comprehension through reciprocal teaching technique among the eight graders of SMPN N 2 Batanghari East Lampung in the academic year 2018/ 2019. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Lestari, Evi (2018) Improving the Students Reading Comprehension Through Reciprocal Teaching Technique Among The Eight Graders of SMP N 2 Batanghari East Lampung in The Academic Year 2018/ 2019. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Lestari, Febri Puji (2018) Improving The Students’ Reading Skillthrough Team Accelerated Instruction Strategy at The Eighth Grade of SMP Wiratama Kotagajah Central Lampung. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Maghfiroh, Nurlaely (2018) The Influence of Using Picture Story Book on The Reading Comprehension Ability at The Tenth Graders of SMA N 1 Kibang in The Academic Year of 2016/2017. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Maheya, M. Arif (2018) The Influence of Using Total Physical Respons Method on The Students Speaking Skill at The Eighth Grade of Smp Muhammadiyah 3 Metro in The Academic Year of 2017/2018. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Malasari, Desi Mega (2018) An Analysis Of The Collocation In Writing Descriptive Text At Fifth Semester English Department Of IAIN Metro. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Malasari, Desi Mega (2018) An Analysis of The Collocation in Writing Descriptive Text at The Fifth Semester English Department of IAIN Metro. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Mardiana, Ana (2018) The Use of Directed Reading-Thinking Activity (DR-TA) Strategy to Improve Reading Comprehension Ability at The Tenth Graders of SMK PGRI 1 Punggur In The Academic Year 2017/2018. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Mariana, Eka (2018) The Implementation of Conversational Strategies to Increase The Students’ Speaking Abilities Among The Second Grade of The MA Ma’arif NU 02 East Lampung. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Mawarni, Elya (2018) The Implementation of Cross Word Puzzles Technique to Improve Vocabulary Mastery at The State Among The Seventh Junior High School of 1 Banjar Baru In Academic Year 2017/2018. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Merlin, Septa (2018) Improving The Students’ Speaking Performance Through Hands-On Learning at Thetenth Grade of SMAN 1 Raman Utara East Lampung. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Mufidah, Dewi (2018) The Use of Visualization Strategy in Improving Students’ Reading Comprehention Ability At The Tenth Graders of MA An-Nur South Sumatra In Academic Year 2017/2018. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Mujiburrrohman, M. (2018) The Influence Of Using Cooperative Integrated Reading And Composition (CIRC) Techniqueon The Student’s Reading Comprehensionat The Eighth Graders of Junior High School 2 Metro In The Academic Year Of 2016/2017. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Mujiburrrohman, Muhammad (2018) The Influence Of Using Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition (CIRC) Technique On The Student’s Reading Comprehension at the Eighth Graders Of Junior High School 2 Metro in the Academic Year Of 2016 / 2017. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Mukarromah, Thoyyibatul (2018) An Error Analysis on The Use of Simple Present Tense in The Students’ Descriptive Text Among The Eight Graders of SMP N 1 Metro Kibang. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Mulyani, Sri (2018) The Use of Draw Label Caption (DLC) Strategy to Increase The Narrative Paragraph Writing Abilities at Seventh Graders of SMP Negeri 2 Batanghari East Lampung. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Mustofa, Akbar Ali (2018) Improving the students’ skill in writing descriptive text by using suggestopedia method at the eleventh grade of MA Nurul Ulum Kotagajah Central Lampung in The Academic Year of 2018/2019. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Mutoharoh, Anas (2018) The Use of Note-Taking Pairs Technique to Increase Writing Ability Among Eighth Graders of SMP N 2 Batanghari in Academic Year 2017/2018. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Negara, Imas Sukma (2018) The Use of Cooperative Learning Method Type Student Teams-Achievement Divisions To Improve Students Writing Skill at SMP Purnama Trimurjo Central Lampung. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Ni`Mah, Diah Alfiatun (2018) Increasing The Students` Reading Comprehension Ability Through Two Stay Two Stray (TSTS) Technique At Tenth Grade Of Ma-Pesantren Satu Atap (PSA) Istiqomah Islamiyah Panaragan Jaya Tulang Bawang Barat. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Ningrum, Nunik Puspita (2018) The Use of English Movie With Subtitle to Improve The Students’ Pronunciation Mastery at The Eleventh Graders of SMAN 2 Way Serdang in The Academic Year of 2017/2018. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Novitasari, Ratna (2018) Improving Reading Comprehension Ability by Using Question Answer Relationship (QAR) Strategy Among The Eight Graders Of The SMP PGRI 2 Sekampung in Academic Year 2017/2018. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Nugroho, Alvian (2018) Improving the student listening skill through video clip media at the tenth grade of MA Nurul Ulum Kotagajah Lampung Tengah in Academic Year of 2018/2019. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Nuraini, Eva (2018) Applying Small Group Discussion Technique to Improve The Students’ Writing Descriptive Text Skill at The Tenth Graders of SMA N 1 Raman Utara East Lampung. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Nurbaiti, . (2018) The Use of LGL (List-Group-Label) Strategy In Improving English Vocabularyat The Tenth Graders of SMKN 1 Metro. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Nurhidayati, . (2018) The Influence Of Using Card Sort Method on The Students Speaking Performance at The Eighth Gradeof MTS Ma’arif Roudlotut Tholib in Metroin The Academic Year Of 2017/2018. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Nurianto, Tri (2018) The Influence Of Using Anticipatory Reading Guides Strategy on The Students’ Reading Comphrehension at The Eight hgraders of SMP N 1 Pekalongan East Lampung. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Nuriyana, Luthfi (2018) The Use of Repetition Drilling Technique to Improve The Ability Instressing English Words Among The Fifth Grade Students Of Starte Islamic Elementary School 4 Lampung Timur In The Academic Year of 2018/ 2019. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Nurmala, Lilik (2018) Improving The Students’ Reading Comprehension Ability by Using Cloze Procedure Strategy at The Seventh Grade of Smp Wiratama Kotagajah Central Lampung. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Nursila, Mila (2018) The Influence of Predicting Strategy on The Students’ Reading Comprehension at The Tenth Graders of SMK 2 Ganesa Sekampung East Lampung. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Nurwati, Desi (2018) A Study on English Transposition Translation In Brown’s Principles of Language Learning And Teaching. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Oktalina, Putri (2018) The Use Of Rave-O (Retrieval, Automaticity, Vocabulary, Elaboration, Orthography) Strategy to Increase Literal Reading Ability Among The Seventh Grade Students of SMP N 3 Batanghari in Academic Year 2017/2018. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Oktasari, Maryani (2018) An Analysis of Basic Word Order on The Students’ Writing Skill Among The Eight Graders of SMP N 8 Metro in Academic Year 2017/2018. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Oktaviana, Dea (2018) Improving The Students’ Simple Present Tense Mastery By Using Presentation Practice Production (PPP) Method At The Eighth Grade of SMP N 1 Pekalongan East Lampung. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Oktaviani, Rizki Dwi (2018) The Use of Guided Imagery Technique to Improve the Recount Writing Skill Among the Eighth Grades of State Junior High School 3 Metro in Academic 2017/2018. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Oktiana, Betty (2018) The influence of expansion drill technique toward the students’ speaking ability at the eighth graders of SMP PGRI 04 Pubian Central Lampung. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Palupi, Rodesta Anggia (2018) Improving The Students’ Descriptive Text Writing Skill by Using Brain Storming Technique of The Eight Grade of SMP TMI Roudlotul Qur’an Metro. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Pariyanti, . (2018) The Use of Animation Film Media to Increase The Narrative Writing Abilities Among The Tenth Grade of SMK PGRI 1 Punggur In Academic Year of 2017/2018. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Pertiwi, Desi Ika (2018) Improving Students’ Recount Text Writing Ability Through Implementation Leading Question Technique At The Tenth Grade SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Metro In The Academic Year Of 2017/2018. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Pramana, Oktavia Arum (2018) The use of detailed reading strategy to improve the students’ writing achievement of the tenth graders of Senior High School 1 Sekampung in the Academic Year of 2018/2019. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Pratama, Andre Julio (2018) An Analysis of The Students’ Affixes Usage on Their Argumentative Writing Performance At The Second Semester of State Institute For Islamic Studies of Metro. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Prismawati, Nurul Indah (2018) Improving The Students’ Writing Descriptive Text by Applying The Scaffolding Technique at The Seventh Grade of MTs Muhammadiyah Metro in The Academic Year of 2017/2018. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Purnamasari, Ratna Dewi (2018) The Use of Scrol Strategy to Improvereading Comprehension at The Eight Grade Among MTs Miftahul Ulum East Lampung. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Puspasari, Indah (2018) The Influence of Using Gouin and The Series Method to Ward Students’ Writing Skill at Eighth Grade of MTs Nurul Ulum Kotagajah Central Lampung. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Puspitasari, Dwi (2018) The Use of Task Based Learning to Improve The Reading Comprehension Ability Among The Tenth Graders of The SMA N 1 Sekampung in Academic Year 2018/2019. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Puspitasari, Yulia (2018) Improving The Students Speaking Performance Through Story Completion Technique at The Eighth Graders of SMP Kartikatama Metro in The Academic Year of 2018/ 2019. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Putra, Aldi Permana (2018) An Analysis of Transposition in Translating English Into Indonesian Text at The Third Semester of IAIN Metro. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Putra, Dodo Julian (2018) The Influence of Using Collaborative Strategic Reading (CSR) Technique On The Students’ Reading Comprehension at The Eighth Graders of Junior High School 2 Metro In The Academic Year of 2016/2017. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Putra, Kevin Pradhana (2018) Improving The Students Speaking Ability Through Matching Games Of The Eighth Graders Of SMP Muhammadiyah Sekampung Lampung Timur. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Putri, Maey Anicha (2018) The Use of Song as Media to Improve The Studets’ Pronounciation Ability at Tenth Graders of SMA N 1 Kotagajah Central Lampung. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Putri Rahayu, Rizki Anugrah (2018) The Use Of Song As Mediumto Improve The Students Auxiliary Verb Mastery Amongthe Eight Grade Of The SMP Ma'arif 1 Metro. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Rachmawati, Dara Puspita (2018) An Analysis of Grammatical Error In Writing Descriptive Text Among The Eighth Graders at SMP N 3 Batanghari East Lampung. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Rahayu, Sulistia Budi (2018) The Use of English Song to Improve The Pronunciation Skills Among The Tenth Grade Students of The SMK PGRI 1 Punggur, Central Lampung Academic Year 2017/2018. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Rahmawati, Rita (2018) Increasing The Writing Skill by Using Education Film at The Second Grade of SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Metro. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Rahmawati, Tri (2018) The Use of Board Game to Improve Speaking Performance Among The Eight Graders at SMP Negeri 1 Metro Kibang East Lampung. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Refianti, Elsi Diah (2018) Improving The Writing Skill In Recount Text by Using Peer Review Technique Among The Eighth Graders of SMP Negeri 1 Kotagajah. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Rismawati, Riski (2018) Using Mind Mapping Technique to Increase The Students’ Writing Skill In Descriptive Text At The Eighth Grader of SMP Negeri 1 Metro Kibang East Lampung in Academic Year 2017/2018. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Rizki, Hera (2018) An Error Analysis On The Use Of Punctuation In Writing Narrative Text At The Tenth Graders Of SMK PGRI 1 Punggur Central Lampung. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Rodiah, Siti (2018) Improving The Students’ Reading Comprehension Ability Through Think Pair Share Technique at Eleventh Grade of MAN 1 Lampung Timur in The Academic Year 2017/2018. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Rudiyanto, . (2018) The Use of Animation Video To Improvethe Students’ Writing Narrative Text Ability at The Eighth Graders of MTs Ma’arif NU 05 Sekampung East Lampung. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Rustiawan, Ides Tia (2018) The Use of Task Based Instruction Method to Increase The Students’ Writing Skill In Descriptive Textat Tenth Grade of SMA N 1 Punggur Central Lampung. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Saputri, Aini Qolbi (2018) Improving The Students Descriptive Writing Ability by Using Cue Card Pictures at The Tenth Graders of SMA Muhammadiyah Pekalongan. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Sari, Ema Puspita (2018) The Use of Content Based Instruction Method to Improve Writing Skill Among The Eleventh Graders at SMK Negeri 1 Pekalongan Lampung Timur in Academic Year 2017/2018. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Sari, Gandis Yunita (2018) The Influence of Using Small Group Instructionon The Students’ Speaking Performance Among The Eighth Grade at Junior High School of Muhammadiyah 1 Metro. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Sari, Nita Indah (2018) The Use of Realia Mediato Increase The Vocabulary Mastery Among The Second Year Studentsat MIN 1 Metro. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Sari, Ratna Puspita (2018) The Use of Graphic Organizers Technique to Improve The Students’ Narrative Writing Ability At The Tenth Grade of State Senior High School 1 Metro. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Sari, Rima Rimba (2018) An Error Analysis of Using Discourse Markers in Writing Descriptive Paragraph at State Institute For Islamic Studies of Metro. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Sari, Riska Martia (2018) Increasing Students’ Speaking Performance Through Shadowing Technique at The Eleventh Grade of Sma N 1 Raman Utara in Academic Year 2017/2018. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Sari, Tia Eka (2018) Increasing The Students’ Procedure Text Writing Ability Through Contextual Teaching And Learning Approach At The Eighth Grade Of State Junior High School 7 Metro. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Septiana, . (2018) An Undergraduate Thesis The Correlation Between Extrinsic Motivation and The Students’ Descriptive Writing Ability at The Seventh Grade of Mts Ma’arif NU 5 Sekampung. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Septiana, Krisna (2018) Improving The Students’ Reading Skill in Descriptive Text Through Extensive Reading Approach at Tenth Grade of SMA N 1 Raman Utara East Lampung. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Setianingsih, Indri (2018) The Influence Of Using Cooperative Integreted Reading And Composition (CIRC) Method Toward The Students’ Reading Comprehension At The Eight Grade Of Junior High School Darul ‘Ulum Sekampung East Lampung. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Setianingsih, Indri (2018) The Influence Of Using Cooperative Integreted Reading And Composition (CIRC) Method Toward The Students’ Reading Comprehension At The Eight Grade Of Juniorhigh School Darul ‘Ulum Sekampung East Lampung. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Setiawati, Rina Ayu (2018) Increasing The Students Speaking Performance by Using Team Game Tournament (TGT)Technique at The Eighth Grade of SMP N 1 Seputih Raman Central Lampung. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Setiawati, Sulis (2018) The Use Of Peer Review Technique To Improve Punctuation Mastery Among The Eleventh Graders At MA Ma’arif 05 Rumbia Central Lampung. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Shidiq, Ahmad Fuad (2018) The Use of Thieves Strategy to Increase Students Reading Comprehension at Eighth Grade in MTs Annur Bandar Jaya Central Lampung in Academic Year 2017/2018. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Solekhah, Umi (2018) Using Small Group Work To Increase The Speaking Performance Among the Tenth IPA Graders The State Senior High School 5 Metro. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Soraya, Pyngki (2018) Improving Students’ Writing Ability by Using Srsd (Self Regulated Strategy Development) At The Eight Graders of MTs Al Asror Sekampung. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Sriwahyuni, Endang (2018) Improving The Descriptive Writing Ability by Using The Picture Word Inductive Model (PWIM) At The Eighth Grade Students of SMP Karya Bhakti Rantau Jaya in The Academic Year of 2017/2018. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Sriyatun, . (2018) An Error Analysis on The Use of Auxiliary Verb in Writing Descriptive Text at The Eighth Graders of Mts Daarul ‘Ulya Metro In the academic Year of 2018/2019. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Sukarlov, Ade Wenda (2018) The Application of English Day Program to Improve The Students Speaking Performance at The Eleventh Graders Of MAN 1 Lampung Timur In The Academic Year Of 2017/2018. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Sumiati, Mutiah (2018) Improving The Students’ Reading Comprehension Ability Through Listen-Read-Discuss (L-R-D) Strategy At Eight Grades Of Smp N 2 Metroin Academic Year 2017/2018. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Susanthi, Herlina Endang (2018) The Use Of Mind Mapping Technique To Improve Students’ Speaking Performance At The Eighth Grade Of State Junior High School 7 Metro. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Susilo, Rachmad (2018) An Analysis on Multicultural Dimension in Instructional Materials of English Text Books For 11th Grade Students of Senior High School. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Suswanti, Andri (2018) Improving The Students’ Ability In Writing Procedure Text By Using Card Sort Technique Among the Tenth Grade At SMK Muhammadiyah Sekampung East Lampung. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Sutriyono, . (2018) An Analysis Students’ Reading Comprehension Through Repeated Reading Technique In Narrative Text at The Eleventh Grade of SMA Negeri 1 Sekampung East Lampung. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Syahar, Nadya Elvina (2018) The Use Of Read, Ask, Put (RAP) Strategy To Increase Reading Comprehension ability in Descriptive Text Among The Eighth Graders at MTs N 1 East Lampung. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Teryzzeta, Novi (2018) The Use of Pictionary Game to Increase The Students’ Vocabulary Mastery at The Eighth Graders of MTs Darul A’mal Metro in The Academic Year of 2017/2018. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Thoyibah, Lukluk Fadhilatun (2018) Improving The Mastery of Simple Present Tense Through The Mistake Buster Technique At The Seventh Graders of Islamic Junior High School(MTS) Riyadlatul Ulum Batanghari Lampung Timur. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Tohari, Ahmad (2018) Improving Students’ Writing Skill In Descriptive Text Through The Implementation of Clustering Technique at The Tenth Grade of SMA N 1 Punggur Central Lampung. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Trisnawati, Anggun (2018) Increasing Vocabulary Mastery Through Semantic Mapping Strategy at The Eight Grade of SMP The Darul ‘Ulum Sekampung in Academic Year 2017/2018. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Tul Jahro, Siti Fatimah (2018) Improving The Students’ Report Text Writing Ability Through Contextual Teaching And Learning Approach At The Tenth Graders Of SMK PGRI 1 Punggur Central Lampung. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Umami, Ida and Yawisah, Umi and Andianto, Andianto (2018) Surat Pencatatan Ciptaan berupa Laporan Penelitian dengan judul Leadership Power dan Motivasi Kerja serta Etika Organisasi Dalam Peningkatan Mutu Pelayanan Karyawan IAIN Metro Lampung. Documentation. IAIN Metro, Metro.
Veronika, Yuni (2018) Improving The Students’ Speaking Performance Through Talking Chip Technique at The Eighth Graders of SMPN 8 Metro. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Wati, Nina Rahma (2018) Increasing The Reading Comprehension Ability by Using Pictures Series Among The Eighth Graders at SMPN 2 Purbolinggo East Lampung. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Wiharti, Diah (2018) Improving The Students Ability In Writing The Argumentative Text Through Problem Solving Technique Among The Eleventh Grade Students at SMA Negeri 1 Sekampung East Lampung. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Wijayanti, Wunang Teguh (2018) Improving The Students’ Speaking Ability by Using Speech Community Strategy at State Institute For Islamic Studies of Metro. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Wulandhary, Tri (2018) Increasing Students’ Vocabulary Mastery By Using Word Walls Media At Seventh Grade Of SMP N 01 Punggur In Academic Year 2017/2018. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Yawisah, Umi (2018) Surat Pencatatan Ciptaan berupa Karya Tulis (Disertasi) dengan judul Penggunaan Unsur Bahasa Inggris di Tabloid Remaja Berbahasa Indonesia. Documentation. Kementerian hukum dan HAM, Metro.
Yuliana, Eka (2018) The Use of Student Team Achievement Division (STAD) Method to Improve Reading Comprehension Among The Tenth Graders at SMK Negeri 1 Pekalongan. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Yulianti, Ani (2018) Increasing the Students’ Ability in Writing Procedure Text Through Silent Demonstration Strategy at The Eight Grade Of State Junior High School 8 Metro. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Yulianto, Dedy (2018) An Analysis of Intransitive Phrasal Verb Translation In Brown’s Principle of Language Learning and Teaching From English Into Indonesian. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Yulida, Alifah Nurmei (2018) The Use Of Story Pyramid Strategy To Improvethe Narrative Text Reading Comprehension Ability Among The Eighth Graders Of SMPN 1 Trimurjo In The Academic Year Of 2017/2018. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Yusuf, Ahmad Zuber (2018) An Error Analysisin Using Plural And Singular Nounson The Students Undergradute Thesis Abstracts at The English Department of IAIN Metro. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.
Zainiah, Nia (2018) An Analysis on Grammatical Cohesion Found in Undergraduate Theses of English Education Department Students At State Institute for Islamic Studies of Metro. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.