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., Apriyanto (2019) An error analysis of using inflectional morpheme made by the tenth grade students of SMK PGRI 1 Punggur Central Lampung. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.

Aditiya, Dhoni (2019) the use of brainstorming technique to improve the students’ ability of writing hortatory exposition text at SMAN 1 Seputih Agung Central Lampung. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.

Afriani, Ema (2019) The Influence of Using Cooperative Script Technique Onthe Students’ Speaking Skillamong Thetenthgraders Atma Ma’arif NU 5 Sekampung East Lampung in The Academic Year Of 2019/ 2020. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.

Agustin, Indah Dwi (2019) An Analysis of the Disjunction Used in Undergraduate Thesis of English Department at IAIN Metro. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.

Aini, Dian Nur (2019) Using Question-Answer Relationship Strategy (QAR) to Improve Students Reading Ability of The Eleventh Grade Of MA Ma’arif 06 Seputih Raman The Academic Year 2019/2020. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.

Alaina, Nurul (2019) An error analysis on the writing sentence preposition of the 2018 abstract undergraduate thesis english students of IAIN Metro. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.

Alaisya, Kiki (2019) The use of pace (presentation, attention, co-construction and extension) strategy to improve the mastery of complex sentence among the tenth graders of SMA Negeri 1 Rumbia Central Lampung. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.

Alfiana, Ririn (2019) Improving students’ writing ability by using character, setting, purpose, action, conclusion, emotion (c-space) strategy among the tenth grade at sma n 1 punggur central lampung. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.

Amanah, Binti (2019) Improving Speaking Performanceby Using Carousel Strategy Among The Tenth Graders of MA Ma’arif 14 Bumi Nabung Central Lampung. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.

Amanda, Fellisya Hepta (2019) Improving the students’ reading comprehension ability through cooperative learning with islamic text among the tenth graders of MAN 1 East Lampung In the academic year of 2018 / 2019. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.

Andian, Rega Frans (2019) An Analysis on the Students Reading Skill in Descriptive Text Among the Eighth Grade at SMP Darul Ulum Sekampung. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.

Anggara, Diki (2019) The influence of using google assistant on the students’ pronunciation ability of the tenth grader of SMK Muhammadiyah Sekampung East Lampung. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.

Anggelina, Sintia Marcella (2019) The Use of Hamburger Strategy in Improving Writing Skill Among the Eleventh Grade of MA Ma`Arif NU 5 Sekampung. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.

Anggia, Nova (2019) The Influence Of Four Square Method On The Students Ability In Writing Narrative Text At Junior High School PGRI 1 Marga Tiga In The Academic Year Of 2019 / 2020. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.

Anggraeni, Anggit (2019) The use of problem based learning method to improve students recount text of writing skill of the tenth grade of SMK Ma’arif 2 Penawaja Pugung raharjo of east Lampung. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.

Aprellia, Shella (2019) Increasing the Students’writing Ability by Using Six Thinking Hats Strategy at Junior High School PGRI 01 Bandar Surabaya. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.

Apriyanti, Evi (2019) Improving the narrative text writing ability by using roundtable technique among the ninth grade students At MTs Darun Nasyi’in Bumi Jawa East Lampung. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.

Asrofi, Ahmad (2019) The effect of idea listing technique on students’ writing ability of descriptive text at eighth graders of Mts Raudhotul Jannah Central Lampung. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.

Ayu, Ulfa Puspa (2019) An Undergraduate Thesisimproving Writing Ability in Descriptive Text by Using Brain Sketching Technique Among The Seventh Graders at SMP Muhammadiyah 3 Metro. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.

Ayu Nindia, Retno (2019) The use of questioning technique to improve the students writing ability in recount text of SMPN 8 Metro in academic year 2018/2019. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.

Ayu Setya Ningrum, Gesty (2019) An analysis on the usage of conjunction device on the student’s writing recount text at Junior High School 8 of Metro in academic year of 2018/2019. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.

Azizah, Anni Alimatul (2019) The Effect of Dictation Method on Thestudents’ Listeningskill Among the Eleventh Grader at MA Ma’arif 1 Punggur. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.

Azizah, Azizah (2019) Improving the students` speaking performance by using community language learning strategy at the tenth grade of Senior High School Ma ma`arif NU 5 Sekampung East Lampung. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.

Azizah, Nurul (2019) Developing english learning materials for students of hajj and umrah management (hum) Department of IAIN Metro. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.

Bustomi, . (2019) An Analysis of The Students Naturalness and Accuracy Translation in Descriptive Text Found in Handbook of the Tenth Grade Students of MA Khozinatul Ulum SB II Central Lampung. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.

Dedi, Irwansyah (2019) Teaching with Literature: the Needs of Indonesian Islamic Universities. Documentation. IAIN Metro, Metro.

Dewi, Erviana (2019) The influence of using board game as a media on the students’ speaking ability at the third semester of english education department of state Institute for Islamic Studies of Metro in the academic year of 2018/2019. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.

Dewi, Nana Puspita (2019) The use of poetry reading strategies to improve intonation ability in the eleventh grade of Madrasah Aliyah Muhammadiyah Metro. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.

Eviana Sari, Antika (2019) The use of herringbone strategy to increase the narrative paragraph writing ability among the eight graders of the SMP Bina insani of Metro. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.

Fadilah, Heni Nurul (2019) The Use Synonym and Antonym Context Clue Toimprove Reading Comprehension Ability at the Tenthgrade of SMA Purnama Trimurjo Central Lampung. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.

Fauzi, Sartika Sari Resti (2019) Undergraduate Thesisthe Use of Scamper Technique to Improve Writing Skillamong The Tenth Graders at SMKN 1 Negeri Katon in The Academic Year of 2019/2020. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.

Fauziana, Nuroh (2019) The use of skimming technique to improve students reading comprehension ability in narrative text among the tenth grade at MA Darul A’mal Metro. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.

Fitasari, Dwi Nur (2019) Improving The Students Skill In Writing Narrative Text By Using Think-Talk-Write Strategy At The Eighth Grade Of Junior High School 8 Metro In Academic Year Of 2018/2019. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.

Fransiska, Wendy Ayu (2019) The Influence Of Bloom’s Taxonomy In English Collocation Teaching Toward Students’ Speaking Skill At The Eighth Grade Of Mts Nurul Iman Rejo Agung Pesawaran. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.

Gunawan, Sofyan (2019) An Error Analysis of The Students Reading Descriptive Text Among The Ninth Graders of SMPN 1 Bumi Agung in The Academic Year of 2017 / 2018. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.

Hamidah, Mimi (2019) Improving the reading compehension ability by using the cloze test strategy among the eighth graders of MTs Riyadlatul Ulum Bumiharjo Batanghari Lampung Timur. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.

Hardianingrum, Maya (2019) The use of problem based learning approach to improve argumentative writing ability at the eleventh grade students of SMA Negeri 1 Sekampung East Lampung. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.

Hasanah, Nurul (2019) The Influence of Short Story on Students Writing Skill at Eight Grade of SMP N 4 Sekampung East Lampung. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.

Hasanah, Rohmatul (2019) An Analysis of Student Anxiety in Speaking English at MA Muhammadiyah Metro. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.

Hasanah, Uswatun (2019) Improving the students’ speaking skill through code mixing (English-Indonesian) at the eighth graders of SMP Tarbiyatul Mu’allimien Al-islamiyah (TMI) Roudlatul Qur’an Metro. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.

Hayati, Nur (2019) Improving the students reading skill by using directed activities related to texts (DARTS) strategies among the eighth graders of SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Metro in the academic year of 2018/2019. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.

Hidayah, Diah Ayu (2019) Improving students reading comprehension ability by using generating interaction between schemata and text (gist) strategy among the eleventh graders at SMA N 1 Punggur Central Lampung in the academic year of 2018/2019. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.

Holiso, Deni Chania (2019) An analysis on derivation in the abstracts of international journal written by the lecturer at IAIN Metro. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.

Imanola, Bowo (2019) An Analysis of The Student’s Pronunciation Problems of English Fricative Consonants at the Eleventh Grade of SMA N 1 Kibang East Lampung. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.

Indrias, Novi (2019) The Influence of Usingexperience, Generalization, Reinforcement, Application (Egra) Techniqueon The Students’ Recount Text Writing Ability Among The Tenth Graders of SMA Ibnu Sina Braja Selebah East Lampung. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.

Irawan, Heru (2019) The influence of using brain storming technique on the students descriptive writing ability among the tenth graders of SMK PGRI 1 Central Lampung. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.

Irwansyah, Dedi (2019) Incorporating Intercultural Competences in Developing English Materials for Writing Classes. Documentation. IAIN Metro, Metro.

Irwansyah, Dedi (2019) Integrating Values into Literature Based Learning Materials. Documentation. IAIN Metro, Metro.

Irwansyah, Dedi (2019) Islamic Literature: Instructional Strategies in Contemporary Indonesia. Documentation. IAIN Metro, Metro.

Irwansyah, Dedi (2019) The Students' Perception of National Examination Washback: A Case Study at MTS Daarul 'Ulya Metro. Documentation. IAIN Metro, Metro.

Irwansyah, Dedi (2019) Surat Pernyataan Al-Ta'lim. Documentation. IAIN Metro, Metro.

Irwansyah, Dedi (2019) Surat Pernyataan Book Chapter linguistik terapan. Documentation. IAIN Metro, Metro.

Irwansyah, Dedi (2019) Surat Pernyataan Dinamika Ilmu. Documentation. IAIN Metro, Metro.

Irwansyah, Dedi (2019) Surat Pernyataan IJALEL. Documentation. IAIN Metro, Metro.

Irwansyah, Dedi (2019) Surat Pernyataan IJI. Documentation. IAIN Metro, Metro.

Irwansyah, Dedi (2019) Surat Pernyataan IQRA. Documentation. IAIN Metro, Metro.

Irwansyah, Dedi (2019) Surat Pernyataan Integrating Values. Documentation. IAIN Metro, Metro.

Irwansyah, Dedi (2019) Surat Pernyataan JLTR. Documentation. IAIN Metro, Metro.

Irwansyah, Dedi (2019) Surat Pernyataan Journal Heritage. Documentation. IAIN Metro, Metro.

Irwansyah, Dedi (2019) Surat Pernyataan Pengembangan Islamic English. Documentation. IAIN Metro, Metro.

Irwansyah, Dedi (2019) Surat Pernyataan Utilizing Islamic Literature. Documentation. IAIN Metro, Metro.

Irwansyah, Dedi (2019) Surat Pernyataan Xlinguae. Documentation. IAIN Metro, Metro.

Irwansyah, Dedi (2019) Teaching English at Indonesian Islamic Higher Education: an Epistemological Perspective. Documentation. IAIN Metro, Metro.

Irwansyah, Dedi (2019) Uji Turniti Utilizing Islamic Literature in EFL Classroom. Documentation. IAIN Metro, Metro.

Irwansyah, Dedi (2019) Uji Turnitin A Literature-Based Reading Instructional Model for IslamAffiliated University in Indonesia. Documentation. IAIN Metro, Metro.

Irwansyah, Dedi (2019) Uji Turnitin A Literature-Based Reading Materials for EFL Students: A Case of Indonesian Islamic Universities. Documentation. IAIN Metro, Metro.

Irwansyah, Dedi (2019) Uji Turnitin Linguistik Islam: Sebuah Telaah Historis. Documentation. IAIN Metro, Metro.

Irwansyah, Dedi (2019) Uji Turnitin Pengembangan Pembelajaran Islamic English di Indonesia. Documentation. IAIN Metro, Metro.

Irwansyah, Dedi (2019) The Use of Literary Works in Language Classroom at Indonesian Islamic University: a Postmethod Perspective. Documentation. IAIN Metro, Metro.

Irwansyah, Dedi and Madkur, Ahmad (2019) English Grammar For Tadris Bahasa Inggris. 1 ed. Metrouniv Press/Idea Press Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta. ISBN 978-623-7085-34-8

Irwansyah, Dedi and Yuniarti, Yuniarti and Sutarjo, J. (2019) Laporan Penelitian Dedi Irwansyah 2019 Judul: Pengembangan Bahan Ajar Reading Berbasis Qur'anic Stories. Documentation. Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat Institut Agama Islam Negeri Metro, Metro.

Isdi, , (2019) An analysis on students` difficulties in english reading text (a case study of third semester of class e in state institute islamic studies of Metro) in academic year 2019/2020. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.

Islah Way Kurni, Nur (2019) Improving descriptive writing ability using focused listing technique among the second year students of SMA TMI Roudhotul Qur’an Metro. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.

Ismawati, Fiki (2019) The Use of Brain Gym Method to Increase Students’ Reading Comprehension Ability at the Eighth Grade of SMP PGRI 1 Braja Selebah in Academic Year 2019/2020. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.

Jannah, Ika Fidiatul (2019) Using Visualization Strategy in Narrative Text to Improve Students Reading Comprehesion Ability Among the Tenth Grade of MA Ma’arif 09 Kota Gajah. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.

Junitasari, Novi (2019) The effectiveness of quantum learning method on students’ vocabulary muslims’ daily activities at the eight grade of MTs Al Hikmah Balekencono Batanghari East Lampung 2018/2019. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.

Khasanah, Siti (2019) The Effect of Using Four Square Writing Method Towards The Students` Descriptive Text Writing Skill at the Tenth Graders of Senior High School 2 Sekampung in Academic Year 2018/2019. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.

Khoiriah, Rohmah (2019) The Influence of Using Simon Says Game Towards the Students’ Mastery on the Islamic Terms at The Eighth Grader of MTs Ma’arif 22 Mengandungsari East Lampung. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.

Khotimah, Khusnul (2019) Increasing Descriptive Writing Ability By Using Brain Writing 6-3-5 Technique Among The Seventh Gradersof SMP Muhammadiyah 3 Metro In The Academic Year 2019/2020. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.

Kurnia Dewi, Metty (2019) The influence of using PQRST (preview, question, read, summarize, and test) strategy on the students reading comprehesion at the eighth grade of Junior High School 4 Metro. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.

Kurniasih, Indah (2019) Pengaruh Penggunaan Metode Drill Terhadap Kemampuan Kosakata Bahasa Arab Siswa Kelas X MA Ma’arif 9 Kotagajah Tahun Ajaran 2018/2019. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.

Kurniawati, Leni Tri (2019) The effect of using the picture word inductive model on the students’ reading comprehension skill among the tenth graders at MA Ma’arif NU 05 Sekampung East Lampung. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.

Kusumawati, Eri (2019) Increasing students’ present continuous tense mastery using grammar translation method at eight graders of Mts N 1 East Lampung in academic year 2018/2019. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.

Lailul Fauziah, Khowajah (2019) Improving the students allomorph and allophone performance by using direct feedback among the eleventh graders of MAN 1 Lampung Timur in the academic year 2018/2019. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.

Latifah, Ummi (2019) The Correlation Between The Students’ Psychology on Their Speaking Performance at the Tenth Graders of SMA N 2 Natar Academic Year 2019/2020. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.

Lestari, Dwi (2019) An Analysis of Consonant Masteryon The Students Pronunciation Among the Eighth Graders At SMPN 5 Metro in the Academic Year of 2019/2020. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.

Magdalena, Sinta (2019) The influence of story impression strategy in teaching reading comprehension at tenth graders of MA Walisongo Bumi Ratu Nuban Central Lampung. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.

Malinda, Rista (2019) The Influence of Using Semantics Maps Strategy on The Students Reading Comprehension Among the Eleventh Graders at SMAN 1 Batanghari East Lampung. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.

Mardiana, Reny (2019) The Use of Clustering Technique to Improve Students Writing Ability on Descriptive Text at The Eighth Grade of SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Metro. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.

Martina Putri, Oktavia (2019) An analysis of the students’ ability in translating grammatical equivalence among the third semester at IAIN Metro in the academic year of 2018/2019. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.

Maryana, Destri (2019) Increasing the narrative text writing ability by using four square method among the eleventh grade of the SMAN 1 Trimurjo Central Lampung. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.

Mayang Sari, Siti (2019) Increasing the students vocabulary mastery by using pictionary game among the seventh grade of Junior High School 8 Metro in the academic year of 2018/2019. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.

Merlianti, Liya (2019) Improving students’ reading comprehension by using Learner Centered Instruction (lCI) method at the twelfth grade of islamic Senior High School (MA) Al-Hidayah Raman Utara East Lampung. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.

Mikatama, Yosyie (2019) Improving The Students’ Reading Skillby Using Sketch To Stretch Strategy Among The Eighth Graders at SMPN 1 Batanghari East Lampung. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.

Mu h a j i r o h, S i t i (2019) The Use of Textless Comic Media to Improve the Recount Text Writing Skills Among the Eight Grade Students of SMP N 2 Metro in the Academic Year 2018/2019. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.

Munawaroh, Khoirul (2019) A Comparative Study Between The Use of Video And Song in Students Listening Comprehension at MTs Muhammadiyah Metro Academic Year 2019/2020. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.

Munir, Misbakhul (2019) Developing English Instructional Materials For Students Of Islamic Junior High School Of Darun Najah Sekampung East Lampung. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.

Muslimah, Rini (2019) Increasing The Student’s Descriptive Text Writing Ability Using Draw Label Caption (DLC) Strategy At The Eight Graders Of UPTD SMP N 9 Metro In The Academic Year Of 2018/2019. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.

Mustikawati, . (2019) An analysis of writing difficulties faced by the students of the English Department IAIN Metro In undergraduate thesis proposal academic year 2019/2020. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.

Muthoharoh, Siti Rohmah Lulu (2019) The Implementationof Bilingual Method on The Students’ Speaking Performance at The Eleventhgrade MA Al Huda Tulung Balak East Lampung. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.

Nafisah, , (2019) Improving The Student’s Speaking Ability Through Drama Technique Among The Eleventh Graders at SMA N 01 Sendang Agung Central Lampung. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.

Naimah, . (2019) An Analysis Code Switching Of The English Teacher And The Students in English Learning Process At MAN 1 Metro in Academic Year 2019/2020. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.

Najah, Lailatun (2019) Improving reading comprehension ability by using free voluntary reading (fvr) strategy among the tenth graders at MA Baitussalam Miftahul Jannah Terbanggi Subing Central Lampung in the academic year of 2019/ 2020. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.

Nasokha, Ardani Ali (2019) The Implementation Of Graphic Organizers To Improve Students’ Reading Skill Among The Eighth Grade At SMPN 3 Terbanggi Besar Central Lampung. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.

Navisha, Resha Rina (2019) An Under Graduate Thesis Improving Student’s Speaking Ability By Using Dubbing Movie Technique Among The Eleventh Grader of MA Ma’arif 06 Pasir Sakti East Lampung In Academic Year 2018/2019. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.

Nikmah, Siti Mamluatun (2019) An Error Analysis on Using Transition Signals in Essay Writing Among The Fourth Semester Students of English Education Department in State Institute For Islamic Studies of Metro. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.

Ninsiana, Widhiya (2019) Surat Pernyataan Reorentation of Islamic Higher Education Leader in Dealing With Global World. Documentation. IAIN Metro, Metro.

Ninsiana, Widhiya (2019) Surat Pernyataan Rethinking the Language Use within a Country to Trace the Evidence of Linguistic Universality. Documentation. IAIN Metro, Metro.

Ninsiana, Widhiya (2019) Surat Pernyataan Tulisan A Study of Translation on Grammatical Cohesion Marker. Documentation. IAIN Metro, Metro.

Ninsiana, Widhiya (2019) Surat Pernyataan Tulisan Elt Through Islamic Lecturing Videos on Youtube. Documentation. IAIN Metro, Metro.

Ninsiana, Widhiya (2019) Surat Pernyataan Tulisan Looking through the Ethnolinguistic Perspective to Unveil the Social Facts of Piil Pesenggiri. Documentation. IAIN Metro, Metro.

Ninsiana, Widhiya (2019) Surat Pernyataan Tulisan The Relationship between Language and Culture: a Sociolinguistic Perspective. Documentation. IAIN Metro, Metro.

Ninsiana, Widhiya (2019) Surat Pernyataan Tulisan, From Live Interaction To Virtual Interaction: Addressing Moral Engagement In The Digital Era. Documentation. IAIN Metro, Metro.

Ninsiana, Widhiya (2019) Surat Pernyataan Tulisan, Problem Solving Of Nonequivalence Problems In English Into Indonesian Text. Documentation. IAIN Metro, Metro.

Ninsiana, Widhiya (2019) Surat Pernyataan Tulisan, Sustaining Civic-Based Moral Values: Insights From Language Learning and Literature. Documentation. IAIN Metro, Metro.

Ninsiana, Widhiya (2019) Surat Pernyataan tulisan Deredakilasisasi Pendidikan sebagai Antitesis Penyimpangan Paradigma dan Tujuan Pendidikan Nasional. Documentation. IAIN Metro, Metro.

Ninsiana, Widhiya (2019) Surat Pernyataan tulisan Investigating English-Indonesian Translation of Intransitive Phrasal Verbs in Brown’s Principle of Language Learning and Teaching. Documentation. IAIN Metro, Metro.

Ninsiana, Widhiya (2019) Surat Pernyataan tulisan Revolusi Mental Bidang Pendidikan Pada Masyarakat Ekonomi Asean (MEA). Documentation. IAIN Metro, Metro.

Ninsiana, Widhiya (2019) Surat Pernyataan tulisan Teaching Knowledge Test (TKT) dalam Meningkatkan Kompetensi Pedagogik Guru Bahasa Inggris. Documentation. IAIN Metro, Metro.

Ninsiana, Widhiya (2019) Surat Pernyataan tulisan, Analisis Kebutuhan Bahasa Inggris Mahasiswa Jurusan Ekonomi Syariah. Documentation. IAIN Metro, Metro.

Ninsiana, Widhiya (2019) Surat Pernyataan, An Analysis Of Inflectional Affixes Error. Documentation. IAIN Metro, Metro.

Ninsiana, Widhiya (2019) Surat Pernyataan, Islam dan Integrasi Sosial dalam Cerminan Masyarakat Nusantara. Documentation. IAIN Metro, Metro.

Ninsiana, Widhiya (2019) Surat Pernyataan, Kontribusi Model Tadzkirah dalam Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris Berkarakter pada Anak Usia Dini. Documentation. IAIN Metro, Metro.

Ninsiana, Widhiya (2019) Surat Pernyataan, Pendekatan Multikultural dalam Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris Melalui Dongeng. Documentation. IAIN Metro, Metro.

Nisak, Khoirotun (2019) The Effect Of Using Text Structure Strategy On Students’ Reading Comprehension At Ma Wali Songo In Academic Year 2019/2020. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.

Nisa’, Khoirotun (2019) The Use of Film as Media to Improve Speaking Ability at the Seventh Graders of SMP Muhammadiyah 4 Metro in the Academic Year 2019/2020. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.

Nuari, Angela Ika Rizky (2019) The use of question-answer relationship (QAR) strategy to improve reading comprehension ability in narrative text among the eight graders of MTSN 1 East Lampung. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.

Nur Laily, Farida (2019) An analysis of students’ errors in writing introduction of the undergraduate thesis of English Education Department of IAIN Metro 2017. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.

Nurbaidah, Lilik (2019) Improving The Students’ Speaking Skills By Using Talking Stick Strategy Among The Eight Graders of SMP N 4 Sekampung East Lampung. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.

Nurwahyuni, Eka (2019) The effect of Think Pair Share (TPS) technique toward the students’ writing ability in narrative text at the eleventh grade of SMA Negeri 3 metro in academic year 2018/2019. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.

Oktaviani, Anis (2019) An analysis of using code switching on listening subject of student’s english department of iain metro in academic year of 2018/2019. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.

Parwati, Ferdiana Dwi (2019) Improving Speaking Ability by Using Do You Hear What I Hear Strategy Among The Eleventh Graders of SMK Muhammadiyah Sekampung. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.

Pasdiqomah, Inggit (2019) Improving the students’ writing ability through author’s chair strategy at SMA N 1 Terusan Nunyai in the academic year 2019/2020. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.

Perdiansah, A'at (2019) The Influence of Context Based Learning Technique on the Students' Reading Comprehension Among The Seventh Grade Students at MTs Negeri 1 East Lampung in the Academic Year of 2019/2020. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.

Permatasari, Diah Indah (2019) Improving reading comprehension through jot chart strategy among the tenth graders at SMA Muhammadiyah 2 Metro. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.

Prasetya, Handi (2019) The Effect Of Usingcross Culture Understanding (CCU) Materialon the Student’s Speaking Ability at SMA Negeri 1 Terusan Nunyai Central Lampung. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.

Prasetyo, Agus (2019) Improving reading comprehension ability by using Guide Reading And Summarizing Procedure (GRASP) Strategy Among The Eighth Graders Of SMPN 1 Batanghari in the academic year 2019/ 2020. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.

Prayoga, Andri (2019) An Undergraduate Thesis Developing English Complmentary Material For Computer Network Engineering Student at Vocational High School Teladan of Metro Within Academic Year 2018/2019. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.

Purnawan, Leo Nardi (2019) The Influence of Using Collaborative Strategic Reading (CSR) Technique Onthe Students’ Reading Skill in Drawing Conclusion at The Eleventh Grade of Smk Ganesha Sekampung in The Academic Year of 2019/2020. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.

Puspa Rini, Fitri (2019) An error analysis on compound complex sentence of the students’ english education department of the state institute islamic studies of metro in the academic year 2017/2018. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.

Puspita, Eli (2019) The effect of possible sentence strategy on student’s reading comprehension at tenth graders of MA Walisongo Central Lampung. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.

Puspita Sari, Dwi (2019) An analysis on the usage of preposition errors in writing recount text at the eighth grade of MTs Roudhotul Huda Mulyorejo I North Lampung. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.

Putra, Febri Sursam (2019) Applying Small Group Discussion Techniqueto Improve The Students’writing Descriptive Text Skillat The Tenth Graders of SMK Wahid Hasyimma’arif NU 05 Pekalongan Lampung Timur. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.

Putri, Oktavia Martina (2019) An Analysis of The Students’ Abilityin Translating Grammatical Equivalence Among The Third Semester At IAIN Metro in The Academic Year of 2018/2019. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.

Putri, Rosy Kartika (2019) Using Predict-O-Gram Strategy To Increase Descriptive Writing Skill Of The Seventh Grade Of Junior High School Muhammadiyah 4 Metro In Academic Year 2019. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.

Putri Abadi, Dwi (2019) The use of match game to improve the students’ speaking performance at the tenth grade of Senior High School Muhammadiyah 1 Metro in the academic year of 2018/2019. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.

Rahayu, Sri (2019) An error analysis of stative verb in students writing skill at MAN 1 Metro. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.

Rahmawati, Muliya (2019) Improving students’ speaking performance by using hot seating technique among the tenth graders of SMAN 1 Batanghari East Lampung. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.

Rahmawati, Nur (2019) Using macromedia flash animation to increase the students’ speaking skill among the eighth grade at SMPN 1 Punggur in the academic year of 2018 / 2019. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.

Rancasasi, Vicka Merciana (2019) Improving reading comprehension of the eight graders of SMP TMI Roudhlatul Qur’an Metro by using learning cell technique in the academic year 2019/2020. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.

Ratna Sari, Eka (2019) Improving the students’ reading comprehension of the descriptive text through contextual teaching and learning method at eighth grade of Mts Muhammadiyah Metro. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.

Regina, Y. Nadia Cyndi (2019) An Analysis of Students Speaking Learning Constraint at The Eleventh Grade in Senior High School Kartikatama Metro. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.

Renisa, Eti (2019) An Error Analysis on Using Prepositionin Writing Recount Text Among The Eighth Grade At Smpn 3 Batanghari Lampung Timur. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.

Rianty, Vita (2019) The Effect Of Using Mask Media Toward Speaking Skill In English Storytelling At Islamic Senior High School Jauharotul Mualimin Bandar Jaya. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.

Riswanto, . (2019) The Influence of Using Team Assisted Individualization (TAI) Method on The Students Reading Skill Amongthe Eighth Graders Students of MTs Miftahul Huda Seputih Raman, Central Lampungin The Academic Year of 2018/2019. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.

Rohaety, Hety (2019) Increasing students’ english vocabulary mastery through riddle game at the eighth grade of Junior High School 2 Batanghari 2018/2019. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.

Rosa Diana, Ana (2019) Developing english learning materials for students of Arabic Education Department of IAIN Metro. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.

Ruhanda, Rizky (2019) Improving the Students’ Speaking Performance Through Reporter Simulation Technique Among the Ninth Graders at SMP PGRI 2 Sekampung East Lampung. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.

Safitri, Kurnia Dewi (2019) Developing English Learning Materials For English Club Students At SMAN 1 Punggur Central Lampung. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.

Safitri, Nikma Pujiana (2019) Pengaruh Kebiasaan Bermain Game Terhadap Hasil Belajar PAI Pada Peserta Didik di SMAN 1 Terusan Nunyai Kabupaten Lampung Tengah Tahun Pelajaran 2018/2019. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.

Sahara, Desnila (2019) Improving Narrative Writing Ability by Using Journalistic Question Strategyat Tenth Gradersof MA Miftahululum Braja Selebah East Lampungin Academic Year 2019/2020. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.

Saidah, Nasiratus (2019) The use of talking stick to improve the auxiliary verb mastery among the eight graders of the MTs Riyadlatul Ulum Batanghari East Lampung. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.

Salamah, Umi (2019) In Creasing the Students’ Vocabulary Mastery by Using Make Two Words Game Among the Seventh Grade at MTs. Raudhlatul Jannah Natar South Lampung in the Academic Year Of 2018/ 2019. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.

Saputri, Dwi Agus (2019) The Implementation of Codeswitching & Codemixingto Increase Students Speaking Abilityat The Eleventh Grade of SMA Darul Arafah Bumiratu Nuban Central Lampung. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.

Saputri, Fennylia (2019) An Analysis on the Problem of Bilingualism in Speaking Ability among the Third Semester Students of the English Department of IAIN Metro. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.

Sari, Tri (2019) The use of dictogloss technique to improve the writing ability in narrative text at the eight graders of state Junior High School 3 Sekampung. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.

Sari, Winda Aulia (2019) Using cloze procedure technique to increase the students’ reading comprehension among the tenth graders at Senior High School 6 Metro. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.

Savitri, Kurnia (2019) Applying venn diagram strategy to improve students’ reading comprehension at SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Pekalongan in the academic year of 2018/2019. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.

Selly, Intan Priska Kurnia (2019) Improving the reading comprehension skill by using polar opposite strategy among the tenth graders at MAN 1 Metro. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.

Setiawati, Eka (2019) Improving The Students’ Speaking Performance Through Slant Strategy at SMAN 1 Batanghari East Lampung Academic Year of 2019/2020. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.

Setiawati, Ris (2019) The Use of Animation Movies to Improve Writing Skill in Recount Text Among the Eighth Grade of Junior High School 1 Punggur in the Academic Year 2018/2019. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.

Seviyanti, Indri (2019) The Use of Fishbone Strategy to Improve the Students’ Argumentative Writing Skill at The Seventh Grade of MTs Ma’arif Nu 21 Buanasakti in Academic Year 2019/2020. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.

Sherlina, . (2019) The Use of Coop-Coop Method to Improve Students Writing Recount Text Ability at the Eight Graders of MTs Al-Hikmah Batanghari East Lampung. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.

Siregar, Syahreni and Susilawati, Ani (2019) Relasi Agama, Budaya Dan Bahasa: Model Integrasi Pendidikan Islam dan Multikulturalisme pada Matakuliah Bahasa Inggris di IAIN Metro. Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat Institut Agama Islam Negeri Metro, Metro.

Stiwati, Ratih Sulis (2019) The Effectiveness of Using Pre-Task Planning Time Strategy in Writing Descriptive Text At The Tenth Graders Of SMK Muhammadiyah Seputih Raman In The Academic Year 2019/2020. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.

Suparti, Nanik (2019) Using cooperative learning strategy to improve speaking performace at the Eight Graders of MTs Guppi 3 Punggur Centeral Lampung. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.

Suprihatin, Linda (2019) The Use Of Plus Minus Interesting ( PMI ) Strategy To Improve The Students’ Reading Narrative Skill Among The Eighth Grade Students at SMPN 1 Batanghari East Lampung. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.

Susandi, Evinia (2019) The Implementation of Hopscoth Technique to Improve the Students’ Speaking Performance among the Eighth Graders At SMP TMI Roudhlatul Qur’an Metro in the Academic Year of 2019/2020. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.

Sutriyani, . (2019) The Influence of Using Students Team Achievement Division Techniqueon the Students’ Reading Comprehension ability among the Eighth Grade at SMP Darul Istiqomah Mataram Baru. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.

Syauqi Dinillah, Kunti (2019) The use of take and give technique to improve paragraph writing skill among the eleventh grade of SMK Daarul Ulya Metro. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.

Titin Yuliana, Eka (2019) An analysis of basic word order on the undergraduate thesis introduction at the English Department of IAIN Metro. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.

Umam, Munirul (2019) Using index card match strategy to improve descriptive writing ability among seventh grade students of Junior High School of Manba’ul Ulum Seputih Agung Central Lampung. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.

Umi, Yawisah and Irwansyah, Dedi and Madkur, Ahmad and Wati, Ning Setio (2019) Mastering Basic English Grammar Through Islamic Stories. 1 ed. Laduny Alifatama. ISBN 978-602-5825-43-9

Wardani, Sindi Ega (2019) Improving Students’ Translation Mastery by Using Descriptive Equivalent Strategy at the Eleventh Graders of SMA Negeri 1 Punggur Central Lampung. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.

Wicaksono, Hary Rahmat (2019) The Influence Of Using Facebook as Media On The Students’ Descriptive Text Writing Ability Of The English Education Department At IAIN Metro In The Academic Year Of 2019/2020. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.

Wulandari, . (2019) An Analysis of Giving Reward and Punishment as Extrinsic Motivation in Reading Comprehension Among The Eighth Graders at Junior High School PGRI 1 Batanghari East Lampung. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.

Wulandari, Eka (2019) The Use of Jumbled Summary Technique to Improve Reading Abilities of Narrative Textamong The Tenth Gradeof MA Ma’arif NU 5 Sekampung East Lampung. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.

Wulandari, Eka (2019) An error analysis of using word order in writing recount text ability at the eighth raders of Mts N 1 East Lampung in the academic year of 2018/2019. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.

Wulandari, Putri Desi (2019) The implementation of double entry journal strategy to increase students’ writing ability of the eighth grade at SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Trimurjo Central Lampung. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.

Wulandari, Retno (2019) Improving Speaking Skill Through Picture Describing Technique Among The Tenth Grade Students of Senior High School 1 Trimurjo Centra Lampung. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.

Wulansari, Ayu (2019) The influence of using summary ball technique on the students’ speaking ability among the tenth grade at SMKN 1 Terbanggi Besar Central Lampung. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.

Yuliani, Cynthia Ayu (2019) The influence of using edmodo media on the students’ writing descriptive text at the tenth grade of Senior High School of Muhammadiyah 1 Metro. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.

Yulianto, Dedi and Ninsiana, Widhiya and Roza, Ahmad Subhan (2019) Investigating English-Indonesian Translation of Intransitive Phrasal Verbs in Brown’s Principle of Language Learning and Teaching. Pedagogy Journal of English Language Teaching, 7 (1). pp. 41-48.

Yulianto, Eko (2019) The Influence of Combining Choral Reading Strategy With Question and Answer Relationship Strategy on The Students’ Reading Skill Among Theeighth Grade at SMP Muhammadiyah Pekalongan in The Academic Year of 2019 / 2020. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.

Yunita, Erna (2019) The influence of peer feedback technique toward students’ writing ability in descriptive text at the tenth grade of Senior High School 3 Metro. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.

Zahrani, Mar’atuz (2019) Increasing students writing ability by using compare-diagnose-operate of the tenth graders of SMAN 1 Batanghari East Lampung. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.

Zahro, Chamidah (2019) The Effectiveness of Story Telling Strategy to Enhance The Students’ Speaking Skill at The Eleventh Grade of SMK Daarul ‘Ulya Metro. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Metro.

This list was generated on Fri Feb 7 02:02:06 2025 WIB.